Lean Protein/ Regular Protein

I am wondering about lean protein vs. regular protein. I have been just using regular protein when a woman from my weight lifting class asked me about it and she said that women should only be drinking the "lean protein" so as women we don't become "bulky". I was under the impression that we all have a certain amount of protein we need a day, so what difference does it make if I drink a protein powder with 15 grams or 24 grams per drink? I need over a hundred grams of protein a day by the way. I definitely don't want to bulk up at all I am just interested on shaping my body and looking healthy. I don't lift tons of weight, but as my teacher says "even though we are women we are not wimps, push yourself" so I am not using light weights either.

What is your take on lean protein vs. regular protein? What do you use and why?