Hungry - how to keep it under control?



  • tarawrites
    How do you gals come in under your calorie goals when you are STARVING all day? Weather has been crazy, so I have been in pain, and when I hurt (I have fibromyalgia) I either don't want to think about food, or my stomach won't stop gnawing at me. It doesn't seem to matter how much protein, fat or fiber I have with a meal, I just get hungry. (and it is stomach hungry, not mentally wanting to eat.

    When I get this way I try to up my water intake, and it help[s some, but is short lived.

    Most dieters face this problem sooner or later. You should either eat more fiber rich foods (especially green leafy vegetables). Eat as many veggies as you wish. They make great snacks and have only a few calories.