Any benefits to salt?

I'm a salt fiend. I put loads of salt on just about everything. I'm trying to cut back now by cutting it out completely for a few days (not including sodium in food, just salt as a topping), and I'm wondering whether there are any benefits to salt. I do have pretty low blood pressure; I heard once that maybe that's why I crave it, but that could be bull.


  • runnergrlfl
    runnergrlfl Posts: 82 Member
    Sodium definitely has a place in your diet, yes. It helps with water retention, which in turn aid the kidneys in their function. It also helps in muscle contraction and depleted amounts can contribute to muscle cramps. It stimulates the adrenal glands, and helps prevent things like sun stroke.

    It also plays a role in digestion – both via taste and by producing a digestive secretion that lines the stomach called hydrochloric acid. It basically helps your body digest food rather than itself.

    A recent study also found that there is no good reason to drive down sodium consumption to the very low levels recommended in national dietary guidelines. (
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Well, you need it to survive, so there's that benefit...
  • Hi, there are a huge number of conflicting studies on the idea we should reduce salt intake. Current UK guidelines err on the conservative side and are made on the basis that many people already eat large amounts of 'unknown' salt in processed foods. Salt is particularly useful post or during aerobic exercise (depending on the length of time and effort!) - if you've had a hard workout you can make an isotonic sports drink by mixing equal parts water and unsweetened orange, pineapple or apple juice with a pinch of salt.

    I really wouldn't worry about it unless you are emptying the pot onto your food! x
  • Jille0
    Jille0 Posts: 62 Member
    Have you had your cortisol levels checked? Low blood pressure and salt cravings can be a sign of Addison's disease.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    electrolyte balance
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    Fellow salt fiend. :devil:
    My husband loves my cooking, yet when I dip my hand in the salt bowl he's like DON'T DO THAT TO MY FOOD PLEASE because I salt my dishes about 4 times before I eat it.
    So I'm now really seeing how excessive I am with it.
    I have low blood pressure too and I would love to see what fellow MFP folks have to say about this topic.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Yeah, the cook should salt the food appropriately so you don't need to ;-)

    But runnergrlfl was right. We need salt, and the guidelines are possibly set too low. It isn't something you need to worry about unless you already have high bp. If your bp is too low, that is something to talk to your Doctor about!
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Salt is something you need.

    We don't eat a lot of processed foods, so I actively monitor our sodium intake. Assuming we don't have any soda or processed foods in day, we each need about 1TBSP of the salt we use (Real Salt, I love it) added to our daily intake. If you eat a lot of processed foods, sodas, etc. you're probably already getting enough.
  • bitten2better
    bitten2better Posts: 39 Member
    People are on cue with electrolyte balance, cravings, etc... but also - a big push with salt has been iodized salt. Iodine was originally added to salt to prevent intellectual/developmental deficiencies as well as goiter development that can be caused from an iodine deficiency.