50 lbs by my 50th Birthday, I can do this!! (right?)

I started being more cognizant of what I am eating - don't really want to use the word diet at this point - on Jan 6th with a goal of 1.7 lbs per week for 30 weeks. This would put me at my goal of 50 lbs lost by my 50th birthday on August 6th. Complete fail....I have only lost 6 lbs. Feeling very discouraged as 95% of the time, I am eating very healthy.....can 5% naughty really be THAT bad??


  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Trying to lose a certain amount of weight "in time" for a birthday, reunion, wedding, etc. is a good thing if it motivates you to get started on better eating and exercise habits. BUT; one often sets a very unrealistic goal and, sadly, one that is unlikely to be reached. Then, one gets discouraged which sets up a "failure" mind-set. And the spiral goes on. It's definitely a head thing: one has to get one's psyche ready for a journey that will take as long as it takes but a journey that is worth it. YOU are worth it.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,854 Member
    I started being more cognizant of what I am eating - don't really want to use the word diet at this point - on Jan 6th with a goal of 1.7 lbs per week for 30 weeks. This would put me at my goal of 50 lbs lost by my 50th birthday on August 6th.
    I wouldn't tie the goal to a birthday. I figured out how long it would take to lose 50 at the rate of 1.5 pounds a week and that became my target date. I missed it by less than a week and didn't feel bad about that. I might have if I'd made an artificial deadline like a birthday.
  • ibjent
    ibjent Posts: 23 Member
    I'm no expert at weight lose but I know my Mom has the hardest time losing weight. She can go by the strictest diet and exercise religiously and only lose half a pound or nothing at all. Having watched her struggle so with it, I feel your pain. I'm glad you started on this journey to lose weight and I commend you for setting a goal of your birthday, but don't be discouraged because you don't seem like you are going to make. Focus on the fact that you are 6 pounds lighter than you were. Even if you miss your goal date, the fact that you are losing is awesome for your health. Writing down EVERYTHING I put into my mouth helps me stay accountable to the only person who matters, me. Watch out for BLT's - Bites, Licks, and Tastes. This was great advice for me when I began losing weight, as I'm the one who likes to nibble while I'm cooking. Hope this helps, because I KNOW you can do it!
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome August Baby!!!

    I was in the same boat about 3 years ago. I was 49 I wanted to give myself 1 year to lose about 80 lbs by my 50th. Well, I joined WW and lost abut 46 lbs and thought I was on the right track. Well....things went awry. I got sick, WW ended and other things got in the way blahblahblah. Needless to say, I gained every pound back, plus 4.

    Birthdays have come and gone since then, and I'm still trying to do this. I'm not giving up, even though I wanted to last weekend, but I'm still here and still going (with the support of my MFP friends!!).

    You can friend me if you want. You CAN do this!! :smile:
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 494 Member
    Hi! Way to go for making changes! A milestone birthday can be a great motivator! I used my 40th to get on track. But from my past history of weight loss attempts, I knew the weight wouldn't come off very quickly. So instead I focused on more tangible goals. Exercise and log every day for 3 months. When I reached that, I realized that the weight was finally moving. So I set other goals: tackle a new exercise program and improve to where I didn't have to do the "modified" version. Then I signed up for a 5K. I had mini-celebrations along the way, too. A makeover day with a friend at the 3 month mark. My first tattoo when I hit that milestone of 30 lbs down! Each time I hit one of the non-number-on-the-scale goals, I felt awesome! I finally felt in control, and it motivated me to do more, try harder. The numbers on the scale can be so heartbreaking, and they can vary daily from so many things out of our control (hormones, sodium, pull of the dang moon, whatever). I would not tie my victories to something as fickle as the scale. When you do, and the number doesn't go down when you want it to, it's so easy to turn that into an excuse to go hit your favorite drive through! To me, getting stronger, getting better, getting fitter was my reward. Best of luck to you!