Is there really such a thing as 'big boned'?

squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone. I've been reading up on stuff about weight and whatnot, and seeing before and after photos of people who lost weight. I bought these clothes for my ideal size as a 10 or less and I'm starting to have doubts. Maybe I'm too big boned for that and I wont be able to wear them cuz bones don't shrink? Or when you lose weight your frame settles more into a smaller amount because the fat under and above it is disappearing? I'm sorry if this is a noob question but I really wanna know. I'm 5ft 9 so I got a lot of height to support. Is it really possible for me to get to a 10 or even lower to a 4/6? Thanks in advance for all of your replies.


  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    Hey everyone. I've been reading up on stuff about weight and whatnot, and seeing before and after photos of people who lost weight. I bought these clothes for my ideal size as a 10 or less and I'm starting to have doubts. Maybe I'm too big boned for that and I wont be able to wear them cuz bones don't shrink? Or when you lose weight your frame settles more into a smaller amount because the fat under and above it is disappearing? I'm sorry if this is a noob question but I really wanna know. I'm 5ft 9 so I got a lot of height to support. Is it really possible for me to get to a 10 or even lower to a 4/6? Thanks in advance for all of your replies.

    I work in the medical field and I asked one of our physicians about this recently. He said to me that everyone is built different, and our bone structures are different. Also, he says it has a lot to do with genetics. For example, the smallest I ever was at my height was 160lbs, and that was me struggling day in and day out and working my *kitten* off for that weight. He told me that some people are "meant" to be a little bigger, genetics wise, and that you can only work your *kitten* off SO much until your body refuses to get smaller. Even at 160lbs, I was a size 13. (I am 5'0). So, for me, I know I will never be able to achieve anything smaller than that on my own without some sort of medical intervention. Is it POSSIBLE? Probably - if I was starving myself.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311

    Here is the address for a frame calculator. I'm 5'10" and not been smaller than a 16, but I'm large framed.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,559 Member
    I am 5'9 and not petite in any way, but I can get to an 8 and maintain and look good. Anything less than that and I look haggard. And yes, some people have larger frames than others. I don't remember the details, but you measure your wrist around the bone and that number can tell you if you are small boned, medium or big. I am medium so I know I could never weigh 125 or get to a size 4 (your bones do weigh something!). I can do a 6 depending on the item and the cut.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,559 Member
    Lilac67 was posting as I typed! Thanks for the link.
  • skdk833
    skdk833 Posts: 51 Member
    According to my son (15) who is studying to be a doctor, there is no such thing as big boned. As he explains it, a skeleton is a skeleton. So I looked it up and here is the information done on the Tyra Show.

    Some of us have been saying it for years: "I'm not fat. I'm just big boned!" But is there any truth to it? Are some of us just born with bigger bones than those super-slim model types? Here's what docs have to say:

    Some ladies are big-boned. The catch? Only about 20 percent of women actually have bigger frames. And those women are usually really, really tall and much more muscular than your average woman. (The tennis champ Williams sisters come to mind!)

    Even if you were big-boned, it wouldn't mean much on the scale. Experts say frame size -- whether you're big-boned or were born uber-petite -- doesn't make much of a difference when it comes to weight. Usually, it only affects the number on the scale by 10 or so pounds.

    Big-boned are not, there's only one thing that really matters. Well, one thing aside from loving/rocking/shaking your oh-so-fierce curves. What is it? It's your waist size. (No, we're not saying you have to shrink-wrap your curves in a size 0 pair of skinny jeans to be healthy.) But those with waists smaller than 35 inches have less risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

    What to do without the big-boned excuse? Who needs to explain away their body type? The number on the scale -- or on the tag of those fantabulous jeans you've been dying to buy -- doesn't matter. Your health does. Besides, why give yourself a label? Instead of calling yourself "big-boned," why not just say you're happy in your skin instead?

    Read more:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think "big boned" should really be referred to as if you have a small, medium, or large frame. Some girls tend to have narrower hips and rib cages, so even if you lose as much as you can without starving, your body is not going to fit into size 4 jeans. I have a few friends with small waists (like size XS or S on top) and still have to wear a size 6 in jeans, even though they are skinny in my option. That's something you can't change, but it doesn't look like they are a size 6 at all because they are lean. Just focus on getting to a weight that you are comfortable with, and if it happens to be that your body is only going to go as small as an 8 or a 10, you'll still look good because it's a healthy weight for you.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    A nurse recently told me that here in Uk they have been told to disregard the old bmi method & to assess people by bone structure. According to what I read on the net to check if your frame is small, medium or large you need to see if your thumb & index finger meet around your wrist. If they meet easily you are a small frame, if they just meet you are a medium frame & if they don't meet you are a large frame but here is the thing the maximum difference in recommended weight between a small & large frame is 10 lbs so, if you are large framed, like me then you can add 10lbs recommended weight on the chart here but doesn't mean you have to!
    As to size versus height just take a look at size zero models most of whom are taller than you! So I think the answer to your question is yes you can get there, if it is right for you only you & your medical advisors can tell that. Good luck on your journey & welcome to mfp. Happy to be a friend for support if you wish.
  • I was taught in school that you become "big boned" with the more weight you put on. Your bones need to bulk up in a sense to carry the extra weight. So unfortunately when you lose weight, you still keep the same bone structure. But most people aren't born big boned or not, they in a way create that for themselves.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Net time you have an Xray taken, have the doctor show it too you. See if it looks any bigger or smaller to any one else your hight. 90% of people in the world no matter what size they are, have the same size bones for their height.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Here is a size chart (below). I think you could fit into a size 10, in spite of "large bones." Most of us can lose down to less than 39". I am an average person, I have a "womanly" figure, and my hips, at 141 lbs, are 38.5".

    Natural Size Chart:

    If I can do this, you can, too. Have patience, work those legs and hips via walking, drink lots of water, reduce your sodium and fat consumption, and you can do this.
    :drinker: (water)
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice. lilac67, I checked and I have a 'large frame' so I guess now I must find out how low can I go? Off to google!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    Alright- so I found a place for that to measure by your body frame, and here is a link for anyone who is interested in trying it out!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Yes and No. The more weight you carry the larger your bone structure becomes to support it. Even after getting to an ideal size it takes a quite a while for the bones to "shrink" back to normal.

    I am 5'8" and when I am at my normal weight (it Will happen) I hope to be about a size 10. If I am, I am. If not, Oh Well. I see women my height in size 3's or less and are so sickly looking I worry for them. It's all a matter of being healthy, feeling good and being comfortable in your own skin.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Thanks for that link to the frame calculator. I also have a large frame. I've always believed that I had it. Now I just need to shed the weight so I can show that large frame off! lol
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I really don't put stock in tables that say what I should weigh or what size I'll wear, I'm just working on being the best me I can and I'll be happy with that and if it doesn't fit into someone's table or chart, I don't really care. I've never been crazy about labels anyway!
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    Im about 5' 9" and when I was small I was in a size 5. yes it can be done, I also have a wider frame than most women, Child baring hips and broad shoulders. I was 135 to 145lbs and my hip bones stuck out because of the way I am built. I couldnt ever get into anything smaller because of my frame and my bubble butt. so maybe not so much big boned as big framed.:flowerforyou:
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I have always thought that I have a large frame, but reasoned that I was deluding myself! The different calculations all show that I have a large frame. When I did the wrist measurement, mine were actually the same size as my 6'2" husband (I am 5'4") This does not excuse my weight, I am still far above my ideal weight, but it does explain why I have never fit into anything less than a size 6!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm 5ft 91/2 and 158lbs. That gives me a BMI of 23.6 So as far as BMI goes I consider myslf to be at a healthy weight. (although I'm still trying to loose a few more lbs) But I'd also say that I've got a large frame. I'm tall and have wide hips. I can see my ribs but yet I have to wear a size 36B bra. But I also have long fingers and little wrists, (so much so that every watch I buy has to have several links taken out of it. the last one i had adjusted, the jeweller actually asked me to come back to the shop to check before he took them out incase the guy that measured me had made a mistake.) so the wrist test doesn't give me a true measure of frame size for me.
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