Opinions on eating RMR for weight loss?

I've been reading some nutrition articles lately that warn against eating below your RMR/BMR (resting metabolic rate) when trying to lose weight and to have it as your absolute minimum daily consumption of calories. Going under that number affects basic repair and maintenance processes in your body. It also supposedly reduces your metabolic rate. What do you think? I take in 1400 as my current daily allowance, my RMR is apparently 1454, which would be about right either way. I am of the mind that too drastic a calorie restriction isn't healthy, anyway.

On the other hand I've read in the past that low calorie = slow metabolism/slow weight loss is a myth, citing sufferers of anorexia as a visible example.



  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Depending on the amount of Fat stores you have going a little below bmr is probably fine. With the caveat of being careful to get the nutrients (macros and micros) the body needs.

    In cases of anorexia, the affects of not meeting macro and micros are seen. Poor skin completion, hair loss, brittle finger nails, hormonal imbalances, the list goes on.

    I don't think that starvation mode to the point if no weight loss is possible (thermodynamics is a physical law) going very low calorie for any length of time is not good for you.

    And let's not forget that your body can use muscle for energy and I would personally like to keep as much of mine as possible.
  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    I would like to preface this saying I am no expert, but am sharing my personal experience.

    My entire "losing weight" life, I steadfastly kept to 1200-1400 calories/day not caring what type of food I put in my mouth as long as I was in that range. I lived on Diet Coke, fat-free anything, high carb and did cardio. I was also cranky and starving! Fast forward 10 years and 2 babies later I couldn't lose ANY weight I wanted to anymore just by dieting or cardio. I beat myself up a LOT about this. Recently, I changed how I'm doing things by the following ways:

    1. Gave up caffeine, processed white sugar, white bread, candy, pop, junk. Disclaimer: I still have these occasionally. After all, life is about balance and I refuse to give up birthday cake!
    2. Incorporated a workout, as long as I really sweated, for 30 min 5-6 days/week (IE; T25, Jillian Michaels, kettlebell, mountain biking etc)
    3. UPPED my calories to 1850 and started eating back my exercise calories. I consume nothing fat-free except WATER :)

    I truly believe my body was just so worn down from not eating enough and eating WELL that it refused to lose weight because now my body feels as if I had a jump start. Weight is coming off, inches are coming off (faster) and best yet - I'm NOT HUNGRY!
  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    IAmKellOnWhee, that's fantastic, it must have been amazing when you finally found what worked! :) Can I ask what your height is? I have about the same activity level as you, but I'm rather short (5'2) so I think if I went up to 1850 it'd be too much for me to lose weight on.. or am I just overly cautious?! :o)
  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 5'9" so your numbers might be different, but I can't imagine them going lower than 1600.

    Yes, I was really glad I found what worked for me. It feels good to finally see some progress! Good luck and pm me if you want the links I used. I'll go back and look up my notes!
  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    That would be great actually, thanks! I'm always up for reading more about this stuff! :)