First time here, about time I said hello

Stumbled across this site a while back when I had managed to lose 18kg but had hit a bit of a roadblock weightloss wise. Decided to start using this and have found it very useful and the topics posted in the forum interesting and helpful.

So, I thought it was about time to say hello.

I'm ex military working for Airbus now and unfortunately after being diagnosed diabetic started to gain weight, more so when unfortunately I went on to insulin.

Realising I was on a slippery slope I drastically changed my diet and upped my exercise regime, losing the 18kg mentioned earlier which has also enabled me to return to tablet control and remove the insulin from my daily medication. Seeing this result motivated me further and I am now a fully paid up gym member, the first time in 4 years.

I try to keep my calories at around 1800 per day, train 2 different martial arts twice a week and teach a further style once per week. I now go to the gym 6 days a week for approximately 1 hr and lift as well as throwing in at least 20 mins of cardio each session. I also participate in body combat twice per week, a little odd as I am normally the only man there, but I really love it. Plus the couple of days a week I get my daughter keeps me busy.

That's a little about me and before you all get bored, just thought I'd say hi and hopefully start contributing usefully to some of the forum topics. :)


  • Thanks for introducing yourself!:) Please add me if you'd like, I just started my account (for second time) this morning, and I want to try doing it with friends this time