Am I the only SALT addict?



  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I crave both, especially together! Salted chocolate anyone?

    edit: and of course, we must not forget about BACON! The king of salty foods!
  • chickenpie
    chickenpie Posts: 64 Member
    meeeee... salty carbs over chocolate any day..... oatcakes & cheddar, salt & vinegar crisps/chips.... savoury rice... nom nom

    i was guilty of the salt adding thing too, am a bit more careful now although there are some foods that MUST be salted (boiled eggs, chips, potatoes.....)
  • I absolutely love salt, I can't put it down I've once have gained like 10 lbs just water weight. I know it's not good for u but I love it so, it's one of the things I'm working on, it's not working by the way lmao but I'm trying.