Never Take Advice...



  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Most advice is worth considering, regardless of the source. The wisdom comes in knowing when to quickly dismiss advice because it's bullsh*t.

    Overall I think the OP's statement is simplistic. Someone can have extremely good theoretical knowledge with solid scientific understanding of any given topic, but they might not be applying it to their current lives. For example, a psychotherapist will likely know how to help you improve and resolve certain problems in your life but it doesn't mean their own lives will be perfect. I would still take advice from a psychotherapist, though.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    really cause my son isn't doing as well as me but if I want advice on welding I go to him...he is a welder

    I'm pretty sure he's doing better than you at welding, so you should take his advice as welding.

    There's an important difference between taking advice from people who are where you want to be versus taking advice from people who are farther down the same path as you.

    I wouldn't take fitness or diet advice from an NFL linebacker. Ray Lewis has been incredibly fit his entire life. He has always eaten like a horse and always had muscles and always been a general badass. His advice is more or less useless to me. He hasn't been on my path.

    I will take advice from someone who has gone from being a fat sedentary 25 year old and turned themselves into a lean 32 year old machine. I will take advice from someone who has battled the same injuries I have and come out better than I am right now.

    but that's my point..overall he isn't doing better than me...Yes he is a good welder...and yes I would take his advice on it and have...(he helped build my squat rack) but that's why I said the OP's statement isn't as cut and dry as it appears.

    As with the above I know a woman who has lost the same 10lbs for 10 years ah hello yo yo...will I go to her for weight loss advice as she is fit and healthy about 18% BF, has quit smoking etc...hell no...she is doing better than me at losing the weight and getting in shape but loves Dr Oz, does cleanses, raspberry keatones, green coffee bean extract etc...

    So even saying people who are doing better means nothing for getting advice...and it being valid...

    It's about listening to the advice, evaluating it with your own thoughts and research and then applying any part or all of what you were advised...for example I like the advice to eat what I want in moderation...but I don't like the advice of eliminate fat from my diet or carbs blah blah blah...I don't even evaluate the whole eliminate stuff cause I don't want to...hence human nature...we will do what we want in the end good/bad advice be damned.

    In pretty sure that "doing better than you" meant "at the task in question."

    Okay so what about the woman who is getting in shape...lower BF% than me who quit smoking etc??? she is older than me, has always been smaller than me, should I take her advice too??? That's the task we have in common, getting fit and losing weight....if so I best run out and get some raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, start that cleanse and start watching Dr Oz and taking his word as gospel...

    It's not black and white, it's not as cut and dry as the statement indicates...