MFP forever?

anikab Posts: 150 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Do any of you think you'll have to use this sight forever?

I'm a little worried about that. when I get to my goal weight I'm wondering what I'll have to do to simply stay at that weight rather than keep losing? and will that require me to have to use this site forever?


  • I plan on using it as long as I can, even if that means forever. It's the only thing that has helped me. There is a maintain current weight option that I will use when I reach my goal weight.
  • I would like to think that i will use it as a point of reference and to stay in touch with those who have supported me on my weightloss journey once I reach my goal xxx
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I've found myself staying in the same weight range after I lose some. I've lost 22 lbs so far and I haven't worked out today or yesterday but I have maintained that last loss [and the rest of the 22]. I am confident I'll lose more if I work out some more I just haven't felt up to it yet. I'm trying to find the motivation! I think I may keep checking back for awhile after I finally hit my ultimate goal weight. I'm not sure I'll want to let it go just to stay on track, and I'm pretty okay with that. But good question indeed.
  • lsand
    lsand Posts: 78 Member
    :smile: I think I will have to. It's too easy to slip back into old ways. And this keeps me accountable. But it's not necessarily a bad thing.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I think it's up to you. It depends on how you will feel after you reach your goal weight. I can think of worse things to be forever. Personally, I think that I will use this site for as long as it takes. I am on my own time table, I have to do what's right for me. Good luck to you!!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I would like to think that i will use it as a point of reference and to stay in touch with those who have supported me on my weightloss journey once I reach my goal xxx

    A great idea I hadn't even thought of! We seem to all or most of us make friends on here and people are extremely supportive as far as I've noticed. This is possibly one of my most favorite websites ever. And I really really really love how it keeps you on track. I'm glad more and more people are finding out about it as well.
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    Why not?

    To me this is like facebook. I like to check in everyday to see how my pals are doing. Get some encouragement, give some encouragement.
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Good point that my hubby and I have already considered..... I'm personally happy to do that just so I don't slip back. I'm on here more than Facebook now, as my new life and goals need to be targeted with more effort too.

    In honesty, I'm not bothered either way, what am AM bothered about is not achieving my goal and then not maintaining the loss. I have learnt so much in less than three weeks of being on here I never want to go back.

    If it means that MFP is my new FB then I'm more than happy with that. Here I am with like-minded people and similar goals/ challenges.....

    ...... MFP forever!!!!!! (maybe:wink: )
  • I agree with LainMac ... It's like facebook. Once I reach my goal weight, I'd like to set my profile at maintain weight and give myself some time to get a good idea of the amount of food I can eat daily so I don't end back up at square one. And I've met a few amazing people here that I'd like to keep in touch with. One other thing is, after I reach my goal weight I'd like to remain here and help out new MFPers and possibly inspire and motivate them to not give up. I don't think anyone is MEANT to be fat and lots of us use that excuse (including myself). Life is full of choices and decisions and eating is a major one and definitely one of the toughest.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    In honesty, I'm not bothered either way, what am AM bothered about is not achieving my goal and then not maintaining the loss. I have learnt so much in less than three weeks of being on here I never want to go back.

    Do you drink a lot of pop/soda by chance? I've switched to diet and all around I know health wise it isn't better for you, technically, but it has cut out a lot of calories for me as I drank way more than any person should in one day, everyday, and now I drink more coffee, water and diet if any. I find myself feeling guilty when I drink regular pop. It's weird for me, I've always been addicted to regular pop and feel I almost "need" it to survive the day. I'm feeling a lot better now though. And with food, just look at what portions you're eating of your favorite foods and eat less of them. It helps even if it's a small amount less. Any change you make would probably be good. I'm trying to do that as well, although it's so hard for me. It really is, and I don't think it's easy for most people. But we can totally do it. You will maintain if you keep weighing yourself and drinking that water.. etc. [I hope I didn't sound too preachy or like a broken record. I apologize for that]
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I don't want to freak anyone out, but you should be aware that it takes several years to "achieve" maintenance, and some studies suggest that maintenance is just as hard or harder to achieve than the initial weight loss. Don't forget this is a lifetime pursuit, a lifelong change. I know how I am, so I know I'll probably be counting calories for the rest of my life. But I LOVE the new me, so it's worth it!
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    My main lessons have been portion control, impact of exercise and overall calorie control.... especially where snacking is concerned.

    I actually ate "well" before, but too much!!!

    I agree with ArchyJill, I have always known that this would be for the long haul..... my lifetime in fact. Believe me when I say my husband and I need it!!! But at least we want it together which is oh so much sweeter!!! He has 150lbs to lose!!

    We want for ourselves, each other, our friends and family........ I WILL NOT give up!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Do any of you think you'll have to use this sight forever?

    I'm a little worried about that. when I get to my goal weight I'm wondering what I'll have to do to simply stay at that weight rather than keep losing? and will that require me to have to use this site forever?

    I will use this Site once I have reached my goal, only if to keep track of my food and drink daily.

    Regarding your goal weight, once you reach it, you are then onto maintenance, otherwise yes, you will continue to lose. You will need to add extra calories in daily bit by bit until you find the daily calorie intake that keeps you at your goal weight. It will be hit and miss at the beginning.

    Unless you know the calorie value in all your food and drink off by heart, you will need to keep account of it otherwise the weight may start to creep on again.
  • I kinda feel like MFP forever isn't such a bad thing. Its very straight forward and its been helpful in teaching me new habits that I'll probably (hopefully) use for the rest of my life.
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