How often should I step on the scale??



  • ingraha
    ingraha Posts: 99 Member
    I aim to once a week but some days I feel skinnier so I hop on just to find out I'm .5 lbs heavier than the day before which should teach me a lesson but it doesn't.

    This is me thank you so much for posting this
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    It's the third thing I do every morning after starting the coffee and a trip to the "library." You have to be prepared to see daily fluctuations and not be frustrated by them. And I am prepared. But I still pat myself on the back every time the scale goes down, knowing that it's the result of my hard work, and question everything when it goes up.

    Also, I have a scale that measures body fat and skeletal muscle. Some days, like today, I get tradeoffs. I'm up a couple pounds in overall weight, but also up a couple pounds in skeletal muscle. I know I didn't grow a couple pounds of muscle overnight, but still, it's nice to see extra muscle if I have to see a higher total weight reading.
  • PlayBall5
    I like to weigh 1st thing in the morning everyday, but my official weigh-in's are Friday morning. My weight doesn't fluctuate enough to be frustrating because I really stick to my guns on diet and exercise. If I go up a bit I can usually correlate it to something I've ate or did by reviewing my diary entries. It's a learning opportunity about my body, what it likes and dislikes.

  • emmawatts22
    I weigh myself every Monday morning. That way I don't tell myself "its the weekend!" as an excuse to over eat knowing I have weigh in coming up. I was weighing myself a few times a week but got frustrated with the fluctuation. Do what works for you! I'd stick to once a week as my advice though :).

    This, too! It also gives my Monday a boost when I see that I've lost weight.
  • funkim55
    funkim55 Posts: 216 Member
    Try a weekly weigh-in. I double check on Monday or Tuesday to see how much damage I have done over the weekend (smile)!!!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I am trying... badly... to weight only on Wednesday and Saturday. I get OCD about it.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I rarely weigh myself. I do once in awhile just for curiosities sake. But it really does not matter that much to me. How I look, feel and perform is much more important
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I weigh myself first thing every morning and log it on my calendar. I know once a week is really better but for me I need two things that daily weigh-ins provide:

    1) accountability

    2) learning how my weight is going to fluctuate from day to day and getting comfortable with it

    There are days where I'm a couple pounds heavier and that's okay. I just stay on track and it makes me more determined. And yes, I always weigh in the buff. Got to keep it consistent!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    Every two weeks. I find that I fluctuated too much on a weekly basis and I was getting too scale-obsessed. It's been tough, but it's much healthier for my state of well-being to focus on my day to day healthy food intake and getting my 5x/week workouts in and doing my best than to see what the scale is telling me. The scale only tells a part of the story. I find that the weeks I don't see any scale losses are the weeks that everyone's complimenting me on how small I'm getting. Don't overthink the scale, it leads nowhere.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I also only weigh on Monday morning, but the specific day doesn't really matter to me. Once a week. For years every time I've tried to lose weight I weighed whenever I felt like it (everyday and sometimes a few times during the day). I've stopped doing that and noticed a lot of positive changes. 1) I'm setting a habit I can maintain once I reach my goal. I have successfully lost weight before, it's keeping it off that is my trouble, so I feel this is a very important habit for me to establish. 2) I feel more intuned to other differences from weight I feel, how my body feels. I think this has been really healthy. 3) I get to jump start my week by seeing all my hardwork from last week pay off. It really gives me energy to keep going.

    This is just my experience, but personally, even though I didn't have any issues with watching the scale go up and down daily, I feel much more satisfied by once a week weighing and won't go back.
  • dancephysics
    I weigh and record my weight every morning. Sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down. I put it all in a spreadsheet to graph it. I don't let the ups bother me, because I am still seeing a downward trend, and those ups could be due to a myriad of reasons. I also like to weigh before and after using the toilet, before and after eating, taking a shower, etc. Just out of curiosity. I find that weighing so often, when I look at the scale all I see is noise, and that my graph will show me my true loss.
  • Christinaw0823
    I do my official weigh in on Tuesdays. Only because that is the day that I officially started MFP. I also look at the scale during the week... just because i am curious.
  • klw1952
    klw1952 Posts: 1 Member
    I know that I need to lose a lot of weight so I am going for a slow loss and learning more about the nutrition level of my diet. I have been getting weighed every 2 weeks and am proud to say that I have lost 14.3 pounds in the 7 weeks I have been on this diet. I think that if you know you are following the recommendations the weight will come off and in a two week period allowing for fluctuations, you will see a weight drop. Good Luck!!!
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    I weigh in fridays and mondays. since the weekends are my rest days, i like to see how far i've come during the week and if i slipped up during the weekend. i only record mondays weigh in.
  • jnb143
    jnb143 Posts: 62 Member
    I'd also like to add that I will get on and off the scale 3 times each weigh in to be sure the results are accurate and the scale is not fluctuating between numbers
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I weigh myself on Mondays to remind myself to work out on the weekends.
  • 281Danielle
    I weigh myself every morning but I don't add my weight on here until my Monday morning weigh in. I actually probably weigh myself 5-10 times a day but I really don't think that's healthy lol.
  • rochelledavis9484
    With me being new to the program I really enjoyed all the different suggestions to the best timeto weigh in. It really does help to know that there are others out there with the same questions.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    Whether I'm in maintenance mode or in deficit mode I only weigh myself on Friday mornings right before getting in the shower. Years ago I weighed myself every day and it drove me nuts. I'd be up a pound or two some days, down the next, etc. It was funny how consistant it was that Wednesday mornings were always my peak weight for the week and Friday mornings were my lowest weights of the week. So naturally I went with Friday's as my day :)
  • jd1208
    jd1208 Posts: 81 Member
    I weigh myself way more than what is recommended, i.e more than once a day haha!
    I know it's stupid and meaningless but i just can't seem to help myself. So long as you don't let it discourage you when put on a few decimals it's not the end of the world. I have been up and down at least a lb or two over the past six weeks. The general trend is down though.