Starting over

I lost 45 on weight watchers and I gained it all back and plus some. Sad thing is when I was 140 (size 8) I thought that I was fat. I wasn't, I am fat now!! I know I can do it and I have done it with eating right and exercise, but why can't I stick with it. I am so mad at myself gaining it back .


  • 281Danielle
    I did weight watchers when I was a senior in high school, I lost 35 pounds graduated got married had 2 kids and gain all 35 pounds plus 50 back, I have lost 20 pounds here and there but have never kept it off for more than a couple of months. I don't know why people including myself always go back to our unhealthy eating habits. I'm not sure if you have ever use mfp but it has helped me to stay on track since I started using it back in Jan. I hope you can stay on track this time. Good luck!! :smile:
  • powellJulie1
    powellJulie1 Posts: 21 Member
    don`t down on yourself. Look at your strategies. Make it less hard on yourself and make it a lifestyle, it might take longer, but it will be easier to stick with it, because you wont feel like your punishing yourself all times. Maybe find a way to trigger your mind the same way coca cola does but with things like ( miam! a tomato.. or wow I am having strawberries with a dash of honey! ) I don`t know that`s what I do , I am doing my own food marketing in my head! If you remove most processed food it will be hard at first but will make it easier after. You will start to taste that carrot ! and that carrot will taste better and better! You might even crave it! It`s just an example! As for exercise find the ones that you like! It should be fun( hard yes) but fun!
  • bearinthebigbluehouse
    TY for all of your support. I have used MFP in the past but I never stick to it or exercise. I don't even know how much I weigh now and I know it will keep on going up if I don't start doing something about it. Its not healthy and I don't like myself at this weight.
  • powellJulie1
    powellJulie1 Posts: 21 Member
    log your food in the morning and don`t cheat on what you wrote ! and use other`s energy this website is a powerful tool