Need Motivators

Need people who are going to be interactive to share recipes, ideas and motivation!!


  • Welcome! Got your friend request, would love to share motivation :D
  • Here to help. : ) Do you have a favorite kind of exercise? Or a healthy-eating plan you're trying to follow?
  • Hi!
    My name is Janae and I'm willing to share healthy eating tips and meal plans!
  • I LOVE walking! I do most of it at work now-a-days as it's so cold here in Nebraska but it'll be spring soon and I'm ready to hit the bike trails! I'm really just trying to eat healthy...lots of fruits and veggies. i'm a fast food-aholic.
  • Hi Janae please send me some tips. THANKS
  • Only started about 6 weeks ago, but I've learned a ton! Would be happy to help however I can.
    What's your reason for joining / why did you start now?
  • If you're just getting started and you know you're weakness is fast food, here are some tips to get started!

    1) If you think you really want something unhealthy, tell yourself "I won't eat it now, but if I still really want it tomorrow then I will let myself have it" ... this works for me for days, sometimes indefinitely. You just gotta have that first surge of willpower!

    2) If you do give in to cravings, limit your portion sizes, and make sure you have something healthy with it to fill you up. For example, if you are going to give in and have french fries, only let yourself have a certain number, and eat salad with it so you won't be tempted later.

    3) Commit to giving up one thing per month. I was inspired by this image (, but made my own list based on my own cravings and weaknesses. I gave up soda and beer in January (this was easy because I never drink soda and only drink beer occasionally). This month, I gave up all fries foods. Again, not too challenging for me. Next month I'm giving up sweets, and in April I'm giving up dairy. April will be so difficult! I love yogurt and cheese and milk! If you struggle with fast food, try giving up a particular fast food item per week, and add on to it. I.e., week 1 give up burgers, week 2 give up burgers and fries, week 3 give up burgers and fries and milkshakes. This will help you phase out fast food with a reasonable timeline.

    4) If you are finding it difficult to give up certain unhealthy foods, look up how many calories they are tell yourself that you can have them *if* you work them off first! That way, you'll still stay under your calorie goal. That is, if you think you'll want loaded mashed potatoes tomorrow - go walking/running tonight for as long as it takes to work off what that'll be worth tomorrow! It will give you a more immediate motivation for your work out - and you'd be surprised how often you later decide you don't want that unhealthy food anyway!

    5) Pick a reasonable gym plan. I started "Jamie Eason's LiveFit" program, which starts with 4 weeks of only weights and no cardio. But it got me in the habit of going to the gym regularly and adjusting my eating habits.
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    OMG sharebear, I love that idea (letting yourself have it tomorrow if you still want it).

    I really like the ideas for giving up something each month. So do you only do it for a month or is it an ongoing thing?

    I also like the idea of starting with reasonable gym goals. I think that anytime I try everything completely full-on, it sabotages my plan because of all the restrictions.

    Thanks for this post!
  • I agree! This post was amazing and i love the idea of asking myself..."do I really want this"
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    Jilly from Philly,

    I am totally on board with helping to be your Motivator if you'll be mine!!! Thanks for the add! High five!
  • I'm game for that jeanbattalia!!!
  • time4kim2014
    time4kim2014 Posts: 85 Member
    I'd love to join in with the motivation! I have just started MFP after doing Weight Watchers for a couple of years. I love to exercise but I also love my chocolate way too much
  • OMG sharebear, I love that idea (letting yourself have it tomorrow if you still want it).

    I really like the ideas for giving up something each month. So do you only do it for a month or is it an ongoing thing?

    I also like the idea of starting with reasonable gym goals. I think that anytime I try everything completely full-on, it sabotages my plan because of all the restrictions.

    Thanks for this post!

    I have tried to make it on-going (I did without it for a month, right?), but I will let myself have it on occasion. Like the beer I gave up for a month, I will have 1 if I'm at a party and that's what they have. Tbh I'm not sure how hard it will be to stick with once I give up things that are more difficult (CHEESE...... possibly my favorite food =\ ...) Hopefully I will still be able to stick with it!
  • Tabbycat54
    Tabbycat54 Posts: 98 Member
    I definitely would be more than willing to help you on your journey. I share recipes here and there in my blog, especially when they're something that I've made myself and I think that everyone should know about them lol. Let's motivate each other together :)
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    OMG sharebear, I love that idea (letting yourself have it tomorrow if you still want it).

    I really like the ideas for giving up something each month. So do you only do it for a month or is it an ongoing thing?

    I also like the idea of starting with reasonable gym goals. I think that anytime I try everything completely full-on, it sabotages my plan because of all the restrictions.

    Thanks for this post!

    I have tried to make it on-going (I did without it for a month, right?), but I will let myself have it on occasion. Like the beer I gave up for a month, I will have 1 if I'm at a party and that's what they have. Tbh I'm not sure how hard it will be to stick with once I give up things that are more difficult (CHEESE...... possibly my favorite food =\ ...) Hopefully I will still be able to stick with it!

    Cheese is one of my favorites too. Ugh. Alcohol - no prob because I don't drink anyways, so I'm lucky in that way (I feel for those that like it). Dairy in general is a hard one because it's in so much!!! You are an amazing motivator, gal! Thanks for sharing this with us!! Go team!
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    I'm game for that jeanbattalia!!!

    Alright!!! Sounds like a plan!!! Let's do this thing!!!! (Imagine me running around waving my hands in the air!!! ) Yes. I know. I am a dork.