Ideal Protein....

Looking for others that are doing the Ideal Protein program. Pretty much for support only. I am doing it alone this time around. My husband is not participating. I am doing really good. Lost 20 lbs since the first of the year as this program is the best.


  • Drum1965
    Drum1965 Posts: 2 Member
    today is my 1st day.....just been diagnosed type 2 diabetic and starting to record food to see where problem lies.... looking at yesterday, normal sort of day did not meet my calorie level carbs, or sugars but was over in my proteins??? did not think I ate that much protein but rather lots of carbs ....sooo confused
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I am like starting all over again after the holidays and my birthday!! I would love to give and recieve some support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!