What minimum amount of calories per day makes sense?

As you know, MFP automatically lowers you calorie allowance every 10lb. Today I have it set to a goal of losing 2lb per week.

What is a sensible calorie threshold that I should stay above? In other words, when should I lower my weekly weight loss target? Is there a consensus on this issue? Is it 1200 calories? 1500?


  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    To many variables to compute.

    But, the general medical consensus is to not go under 1200cals net per day without being monitored by a doctor.
    As to when to change your goals....
    Got 50lbs+ to lose: 2lbs/week
    25-49lbs: 1.5lbs/week
    15-24: 1lb/week
    1-14: 0.5lb/week

    The last bits are slow, but set you up to maintain it.