Weight loss Journey and Impatience

I am on the second week of my weight loss journey and am doing good so far. Doing good means, clean eating, no soda, no fatty fried snacks, no binge eating, watching calories, no refined sugar, no sweets etc. This is a big change in my diet and I am glad I brought this change although I am still doing poor on my carbs and proteins. I am still doing more carbs and less protein. I am not a meat lover per se and try to eat meat just once or twice a week. Good thing is I dont like any red meat.

Although I am aware of my weight, body, metabolisim, energy levels etc, I am still lackng the patience. As we all know weight loss takes its time and is not an overnight thing. I am trying to do my best. After nearly 6 years of sedentary lifestyle and very bad eating habits, I not only gained weight (about 60 pounds overweight), I lost threw my life out of balance. I learnt overeating, no exercise and sitting around just doing nothing in front of the computer etc.

I know weight loss is going to take time, but some times it is so frustrating to see that my belly is still popping out after every workout. I decided to weigh myself only once a month to make sure I am on track and not get discouraged if I didnt lose any weight in between that. I know atleast 30 days is required to see any significant difference in weight loss for a beginner.

I think I just have to do the same with looking at my body as well. I just shouldnt look at the body everyday and everytime and just take measurements and look at it to see if there is any difference only on the day I am going to weigh myself once a month. Will this idea make me not be impatient?