I'm petite but not fit. I feel sooooo lost. HELP!



  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    I have thought about lifting weights but I have no idea where to begin. I've tried doing some videos that incorporate weights but I just feel silly and I feel like it's either way too hard or way too easy....

    I have a fairly weak upper body. I can do MAYBE 10 pushups

    BUT! I have started doing squats at night before bed, and I'm up to 100 in a row! I don't even know if that's impressive, but it's impressive to me! hahaha

    Upper body shmupper body. Don't let that discourage you! Shucks I started with being able to do exactly zero push ups and I'm now 10lbs away from squatting my own weight on the rack. If I can do it, you certainly can:) just remind yourself that everyone has to start somewhere, and I think you'll be pleased with how weight lifting changes your figure. I know I am!
  • jenns25
    jenns25 Posts: 6
    Hi, I think you just need to tone, and strengthen your muscle. Eating food rich in protein can also help in strengthening and toning your muscles.