I lose weight only if I work out but...



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    number one weight loss comes from a calorie deficet not working out.

    number two if you aren't losing weight you are not in a deficet

    number three your diary is incomplete there are days where nothing is logged

    number four exercise is for health and fitness and if you are blacking out during it you need to fuel your workouts.

    Energy comes from food
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    My diary is complete and every day is logged. I don't know where you are looking. I am on a different timezone. Did you read this whole thread? I have been in calorie deficit since I can remember! I lived my entire teen years with an eating disorder!

    Energy comes from food yes....but I eat food before and after a workout, I don't always log it as pre and post workout foods

    I actually have a serious illness that i am going to a neurologist about.

    Don't be one of those people who post without reading the thread.

    My TDEE is 2200, my BMR is 1400 or so, I am eating at a deficit, lately I am not eating enough, I know that. I am not here for a diagnosis.
  • carlaunderconstruction
    You're not going to want to hear this...

    This is not a one-week thing, Char. I took my time to go through your diary all the way back to October... and you need a damned reality check before you starve yourself into an eating disorder, (many anorexics, started out fat or chubby. You’re on Tumblr; you should know that one all too well).

    Char, you eat terribly! Your diary shows that you're overloading on sugar yet under-eating, especially in whole foods (yes, you had a few servings of veggies per day in early Dec, with some quinoa here and some chicken there).

    Simply put, you can't exercise because you have the energy and habits of an anorexic, without the sickly stick figure to accompany it. I wish your physician luck in his/her diagnostics, give them access to your food diary and they'll likely tell you that you have no energy because you starve and then binge. EDNOS, maybe?

    Does the following sound familiar? You have a hard time getting out of bed in the am, so in order to gain energy, you load up on sugars, caffeine and/or fat (in your coffee & snacks throughout the day). Fat provides the feeling of satiety and sugar or caffeine perks you up...UNTIL your blood sugar comes crashing down and you feel worn out again...JUST exhausted! You know you should eat something of substance, but you don't want to eat more, because you ate something sh*tty that day and feel guilty, or you've been starving yourself for so long that you know you'll gain no matter what you eat (and rapidly too). So, you start starving a little more, but with no energy, you reach for more candy and junk. It's a classic beginning to an ED story; Anorexics often consume a lot of coffee & candy, because they're SO tired, weak, dizzy and cloudy in the mind all the time; and those two things are the only things that they PERCEIVE to give them energy/clarity (when it just messes them up more). It's truly a vicious cycle.

    I notice you don't normally eat breakfast, what time do you sleep and wake? That is likely another reason why you're not losing and have no energy. If you don’t sleep, you don’t lose.

    Char, you need to suck it up, set up a normal routine, plan your weekly meals, cut the crap out of your diet, start to exercise (start slowly, like a brisk walk and some yoga), and aim for 8 hours of sleep, (I say this as I type at 2:30am). If you do these things, you’ll notice a HUGE difference in your energy levels & dizziness. Nutrient rich food fuels your workouts and gives you energy. You're likely to gain at first, because you’ve been eating like this for so long, but HOLD ON, because in time, if you stay on track, exercise will become easier, you'll be less tired/dizzy and you’ll feel SO much better.

    That’s just one outsider’s observation and perception of your situation. Take care of yourself, because you only have one body. Have fun with that body, but try not to *kitten* it up too much, because at 32, you’re reaching the age where the body doesn’t handle these bad habits (or disorders so well).

    Thank you for saying that. I do know I struggle with food, I haven't got a proper diagnosis yet, but unfortunately it's not apparently the cause of the ailments, as I was with a control freak husband for the beginning stages of it and ate perfectly fine then, he watched everything I ate; i WILL TAKE HEED THOUGH. I have been wondering whether I am bad enough to ask for help? cos honestly food anxiety is huge in my life. The other unfortunate thing is I because I don't work I don't always get to choose what I eat as I live on charity a bit, but I do have some power so I can try harder during those times. The last week is definitely what I get like under stress, starving then eating junk. When I say stress I mean I a whole lotta stress, extreme trauma kinda stress. I do need to learn to deal with this sort of thing better though. I sleep a lot, but I need to or my body literaly starts shutting down. I don't think that's a food thing though cos I will eat a smoothie and still no better.
    I am generally keeping within the sugar limits of MFP and not often over in that or fat. I am mostly eatin 1500 calories, how is that not enough? I am in two minds about what you are saying to me. One other thing, Whole foods are extremely expensive in NZ, the best you can do is eat salad mix and a piece of fruit or you will go bankrupt. I eat bananas almost daily, oats almost daily, natural peanut butter is not processed...Sorry I am not arguing I am genuinely confused. You are making out like I hardly eat veges, I don't get to eat many daily but December is not the last time I had them!


    Please review your food diary for the past few months. Be kind to yourself, but please be open to the possibility that there may be a link between stress in your life, the food you eat and your medical condition. Like other posters have advised try to eat as many unprocessed whole foods as possible. I'm no where near perfect with food myself, and I struggle with what I eat constantly. I am aware though that while a smoothie might not make me feel better, three weeks of limited sugar and reduced processed food does wonders for my energy levels, mood, and skin. I know you say that walking does not help you use weight, but you also say that you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Try walking, if not to lose weight, for general health and wellness. Walk everywhere you can. Get off the bus one stop earlier, if you drive park further away. Walk around the block right after breakfast, before dinner, etc. Walking will help, you never know it might even help relieve some of your fatigue.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Ok so be nice to myself, take it slow, eat more whole foods, unprocessed foods when I can afford them. Don't worry too much about weight (easier said then done.) But these are some great pieces of advice guys. Thanks, I will try start doing more of that stuff.

    Considering your financial situation, I wouldn't worry as much about "whole" foods as I would a balanced nutrition that includes meat, veg, fruit, dairy, carbs.

    Friday, in total, you ate 1 egg, 24 almonds, a pound of mussels, and some lettuce for a total of 375 calories.

    Granted, this was an extreme day based on what I saw as I looked back, but the other days truly aren't a lot better. For one, this was your total intake:

    A beer, a cookie, a KitKat, and Nestle, Pixie Caramel.

    I agree with the one above who suggested you give your doctors access to your food diary. I also suspect that it is a primary cause for the illness that you are suffering.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    This past week and now week and a half I have suffered extreme emotion trauma. My eating is not normal for me. I have an extremely sedentary life of literally lying in bed or on a couch for the most part or sitting in a cafe. Not a lot of movement, thats from the fatigue. All blood work is showing no deficiencies. December/January is more accurate for me, even though I was in upheavel then too. I have been sick for a long time, many years, much of which I lived with a nutrition nut. The fatigue started while I was with a better income eating mostly only whole foods, lots of exercise and living a balanced life all together. Please How many times do I have to say I DON'T WANT A DIAGNOSES THAT'S WHAT MY NEUROLOGIST IS FOR!
    I made this topic for ideas of working through blackouts with exercise not to be judged on why I am getting them. None of you know my medical history or my past or anything so please just keep to the topic. Thank you.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    You're not going to want to hear this...

    This is not a one-week thing, Char. I took my time to go through your diary all the way back to October... and you need a damned reality check before you starve yourself into an eating disorder, (many anorexics, started out fat or chubby. You’re on Tumblr; you should know that one all too well).

    Char, you eat terribly! Your diary shows that you're overloading on sugar yet under-eating, especially in whole foods (yes, you had a few servings of veggies per day in early Dec, with some quinoa here and some chicken there).

    Simply put, you can't exercise because you have the energy and habits of an anorexic, without the sickly stick figure to accompany it. I wish your physician luck in his/her diagnostics, give them access to your food diary and they'll likely tell you that you have no energy because you starve and then binge. EDNOS, maybe?

    Does the following sound familiar? You have a hard time getting out of bed in the am, so in order to gain energy, you load up on sugars, caffeine and/or fat (in your coffee & snacks throughout the day). Fat provides the feeling of satiety and sugar or caffeine perks you up...UNTIL your blood sugar comes crashing down and you feel worn out again...JUST exhausted! You know you should eat something of substance, but you don't want to eat more, because you ate something sh*tty that day and feel guilty, or you've been starving yourself for so long that you know you'll gain no matter what you eat (and rapidly too). So, you start starving a little more, but with no energy, you reach for more candy and junk. It's a classic beginning to an ED story; Anorexics often consume a lot of coffee & candy, because they're SO tired, weak, dizzy and cloudy in the mind all the time; and those two things are the only things that they PERCEIVE to give them energy/clarity (when it just messes them up more). It's truly a vicious cycle.

    I notice you don't normally eat breakfast, what time do you sleep and wake? That is likely another reason why you're not losing and have no energy. If you don’t sleep, you don’t lose.

    Char, you need to suck it up, set up a normal routine, plan your weekly meals, cut the crap out of your diet, start to exercise (start slowly, like a brisk walk and some yoga), and aim for 8 hours of sleep, (I say this as I type at 2:30am). If you do these things, you’ll notice a HUGE difference in your energy levels & dizziness. Nutrient rich food fuels your workouts and gives you energy. You're likely to gain at first, because you’ve been eating like this for so long, but HOLD ON, because in time, if you stay on track, exercise will become easier, you'll be less tired/dizzy and you’ll feel SO much better.

    That’s just one outsider’s observation and perception of your situation. Take care of yourself, because you only have one body. Have fun with that body, but try not to *kitten* it up too much, because at 32, you’re reaching the age where the body doesn’t handle these bad habits (or disorders so well).

    Thank you for saying that. I do know I struggle with food, I haven't got a proper diagnosis yet, but unfortunately it's not apparently the cause of the ailments, as I was with a control freak husband for the beginning stages of it and ate perfectly fine then, he watched everything I ate; i WILL TAKE HEED THOUGH. I have been wondering whether I am bad enough to ask for help? cos honestly food anxiety is huge in my life. The other unfortunate thing is I because I don't work I don't always get to choose what I eat as I live on charity a bit, but I do have some power so I can try harder during those times. The last week is definitely what I get like under stress, starving then eating junk. When I say stress I mean I a whole lotta stress, extreme trauma kinda stress. I do need to learn to deal with this sort of thing better though. I sleep a lot, but I need to or my body literaly starts shutting down. I don't think that's a food thing though cos I will eat a smoothie and still no better.
    I am generally keeping within the sugar limits of MFP and not often over in that or fat. I am mostly eatin 1500 calories, how is that not enough? I am in two minds about what you are saying to me. One other thing, Whole foods are extremely expensive in NZ, the best you can do is eat salad mix and a piece of fruit or you will go bankrupt. I eat bananas almost daily, oats almost daily, natural peanut butter is not processed...Sorry I am not arguing I am genuinely confused. You are making out like I hardly eat veges, I don't get to eat many daily but December is not the last time I had them!


    Please review your food diary for the past few months. Be kind to yourself, but please be open to the possibility that there may be a link between stress in your life, the food you eat and your medical condition. Like other posters have advised try to eat as many unprocessed whole foods as possible. I'm no where near perfect with food myself, and I struggle with what I eat constantly. I am aware though that while a smoothie might not make me feel better, three weeks of limited sugar and reduced processed food does wonders for my energy levels, mood, and skin. I know you say that walking does not help you use weight, but you also say that you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Try walking, if not to lose weight, for general health and wellness. Walk everywhere you can. Get off the bus one stop earlier, if you drive park further away. Walk around the block right after breakfast, before dinner, etc. Walking will help, you never know it might even help relieve some of your fatigue.

    I am absolutely open to that. I am actually working on my attitude with food, that's partly why I am getting annoyed, cos I am wy better than I used to be and I am still working that out and cos no one actually read why I posted this just started all trying to be doctors, as I said i am not hear for a diagnosis. I am really not trying to be rude though, I value that you are all trying to help, but believe me that part of my life is getting sorted, I have people I am accountable for that.

    Yup I do walk as much as possible, the reason why i am sedentary is because I get massive migraines as part of the condition. I walk to the shops, I go for walks around the area, any day I can. But when i leave it just at that, although my mood is better, my health is not changing, and my weight doesn't change. So I am here for ideas, I think I have some, interval training, Yoga and Pilates, with ideas of breaking up small exercises in the day.
  • Godblessedmom
    Godblessedmom Posts: 27 Member
    You're not going to want to hear this...

    This is not a one-week thing, Char. I took my time to go through your diary all the way back to October... and you need a damned reality check before you starve yourself into an eating disorder, (many anorexics, started out fat or chubby. You’re on Tumblr; you should know that one all too well).

    Char, you eat terribly! Your diary shows that you're overloading on sugar yet under-eating, especially in whole foods (yes, you had a few servings of veggies per day in early Dec, with some quinoa here and some chicken there).

    Simply put, you can't exercise because you have the energy and habits of an anorexic, without the sickly stick figure to accompany it. I wish your physician luck in his/her diagnostics, give them access to your food diary and they'll likely tell you that you have no energy because you starve and then binge. EDNOS, maybe?

    Does the following sound familiar? You have a hard time getting out of bed in the am, so in order to gain energy, you load up on sugars, caffeine and/or fat (in your coffee & snacks throughout the day). Fat provides the feeling of satiety and sugar or caffeine perks you up...UNTIL your blood sugar comes crashing down and you feel worn out again...JUST exhausted! You know you should eat something of substance, but you don't want to eat more, because you ate something sh*tty that day and feel guilty, or you've been starving yourself for so long that you know you'll gain no matter what you eat (and rapidly too). So, you start starving a little more, but with no energy, you reach for more candy and junk. It's a classic beginning to an ED story; Anorexics often consume a lot of coffee & candy, because they're SO tired, weak, dizzy and cloudy in the mind all the time; and those two things are the only things that they PERCEIVE to give them energy/clarity (when it just messes them up more). It's truly a vicious cycle.

    I notice you don't normally eat breakfast, what time do you sleep and wake? That is likely another reason why you're not losing and have no energy. If you don’t sleep, you don’t lose.

    Char, you need to suck it up, set up a normal routine, plan your weekly meals, cut the crap out of your diet, start to exercise (start slowly, like a brisk walk and some yoga), and aim for 8 hours of sleep, (I say this as I type at 2:30am). If you do these things, you’ll notice a HUGE difference in your energy levels & dizziness. Nutrient rich food fuels your workouts and gives you energy. You're likely to gain at first, because you’ve been eating like this for so long, but HOLD ON, because in time, if you stay on track, exercise will become easier, you'll be less tired/dizzy and you’ll feel SO much better.

    That’s just one outsider’s observation and perception of your situation. Take care of yourself, because you only have one body. Have fun with that body, but try not to *kitten* it up too much, because at 32, you’re reaching the age where the body doesn’t handle these bad habits (or disorders so well).

    I agree with her comments. If stress and difficult situations are part of your problem, maybe you need to see a counselor. They could help you manage your stress so you can focus on a all around healthier lifestyle. Maybe you can find someone who specializes in eating disorders to assist you with your eating issues as well. Please try to stop this cycle and work on being ALL AROUND healthier and I promise you will feel better.

    Signed from someone who also struggles with mental and physical issues and feels better when eating right and exercising! (Notice I have lost weight with my healthy lifestyle change!!!!)
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    You're not going to want to hear this...

    This is not a one-week thing, Char. I took my time to go through your diary all the way back to October... and you need a damned reality check before you starve yourself into an eating disorder, (many anorexics, started out fat or chubby. You’re on Tumblr; you should know that one all too well).

    Char, you eat terribly! Your diary shows that you're overloading on sugar yet under-eating, especially in whole foods (yes, you had a few servings of veggies per day in early Dec, with some quinoa here and some chicken there).

    Simply put, you can't exercise because you have the energy and habits of an anorexic, without the sickly stick figure to accompany it. I wish your physician luck in his/her diagnostics, give them access to your food diary and they'll likely tell you that you have no energy because you starve and then binge. EDNOS, maybe?

    Does the following sound familiar? You have a hard time getting out of bed in the am, so in order to gain energy, you load up on sugars, caffeine and/or fat (in your coffee & snacks throughout the day). Fat provides the feeling of satiety and sugar or caffeine perks you up...UNTIL your blood sugar comes crashing down and you feel worn out again...JUST exhausted! You know you should eat something of substance, but you don't want to eat more, because you ate something sh*tty that day and feel guilty, or you've been starving yourself for so long that you know you'll gain no matter what you eat (and rapidly too). So, you start starving a little more, but with no energy, you reach for more candy and junk. It's a classic beginning to an ED story; Anorexics often consume a lot of coffee & candy, because they're SO tired, weak, dizzy and cloudy in the mind all the time; and those two things are the only things that they PERCEIVE to give them energy/clarity (when it just messes them up more). It's truly a vicious cycle.

    I notice you don't normally eat breakfast, what time do you sleep and wake? That is likely another reason why you're not losing and have no energy. If you don’t sleep, you don’t lose.

    Char, you need to suck it up, set up a normal routine, plan your weekly meals, cut the crap out of your diet, start to exercise (start slowly, like a brisk walk and some yoga), and aim for 8 hours of sleep, (I say this as I type at 2:30am). If you do these things, you’ll notice a HUGE difference in your energy levels & dizziness. Nutrient rich food fuels your workouts and gives you energy. You're likely to gain at first, because you’ve been eating like this for so long, but HOLD ON, because in time, if you stay on track, exercise will become easier, you'll be less tired/dizzy and you’ll feel SO much better.

    That’s just one outsider’s observation and perception of your situation. Take care of yourself, because you only have one body. Have fun with that body, but try not to *kitten* it up too much, because at 32, you’re reaching the age where the body doesn’t handle these bad habits (or disorders so well).

    I agree with her comments. If stress and difficult situations are part of your problem, maybe you need to see a counselor. They could help you manage your stress so you can focus on a all around healthier lifestyle. Maybe you can find someone who specializes in eating disorders to assist you with your eating issues as well. Please try to stop this cycle and work on being ALL AROUND healthier and I promise you will feel better.

    Signed from someone who also struggles with mental and physical issues and feels better when eating right and exercising! (Notice I have lost weight with my healthy lifestyle change!!!!)

    The stress and eating side is getting sorted. Seeing someone, have accountability partners etc. I set those up years ago, still relapse from time to time, but I'm good for now thanks. I am really here for ideas to work out with fatigue.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Yup I do walk as much as possible, the reason why i am sedentary is because I get massive migraines as part of the condition. I walk to the shops, I go for walks around the area, any day I can. But when i leave it just at that, although my mood is better, my health is not changing, and my weight doesn't change. So I am here for ideas, I think I have some, interval training, Yoga and Pilates, with ideas of breaking up small exercises in the day.

    If this is true, a lot of your food choices (both types and amounts) could be seriously aggravating your migraines. Other lifestyle choices may be too. I would highly suggest the book "Heal Your Headache" by David Buchholz. He does not sugar coat things, and he is a bit extreme for some, but there is a lot of great information in there about migraines, dealing with them, and some suggestions for lifestyle changes that may help. Caffeine, nuts, cheese, and chocolate are some of the better known triggers, and you seem to have a decent amount of those in your diet.

    Anyway, I don't think people here are trying to diagnose you. It's hard to answer your question about exercise because we are NOT doctors and DON'T know your medical history, so suggesting workouts to someone who is blacking out is tenuous at best. We can offer ideas that have worked for us, but it's possible that none of them are appropriate for you. If your doctor is unwilling to help you figure out what you can safely do, then you need to find someone who will. I know that can be hard with no/limited insurance, but there are often community programs for people in need that are accessible if you know where to look.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Yup I do walk as much as possible, the reason why i am sedentary is because I get massive migraines as part of the condition. I walk to the shops, I go for walks around the area, any day I can. But when i leave it just at that, although my mood is better, my health is not changing, and my weight doesn't change. So I am here for ideas, I think I have some, interval training, Yoga and Pilates, with ideas of breaking up small exercises in the day.

    If this is true, a lot of your food choices (both types and amounts) could be seriously aggravating your migraines. Other lifestyle choices may be too. I would highly suggest the book "Heal Your Headache" by David Buchholz. He does not sugar coat things, and he is a bit extreme for some, but there is a lot of great information in there about migraines, dealing with them, and some suggestions for lifestyle changes that may help. Caffeine, nuts, cheese, and chocolate are some of the better known triggers, and you seem to have a decent amount of those in your diet.

    Anyway, I don't think people here are trying to diagnose you. It's hard to answer your question about exercise because we are NOT doctors and DON'T know your medical history, so suggesting workouts to someone who is blacking out is tenuous at best. We can offer ideas that have worked for us, but it's possible that none of them are appropriate for you. If your doctor is unwilling to help you figure out what you can safely do, then you need to find someone who will. I know that can be hard with no/limited insurance, but there are often community programs for people in need that are accessible if you know where to look.

    Thanks love. No food is not a migraine trigger for me. It's been eliminated. Will keep trying different things. I live in New Zealand with free healthcare but it takes months to see anyone. So just thought I would ask to see if anyone had ideas of exercises, I think I got a couple of ideas. Working on better food solutions too. Have just started counselling for stress. Thanks guys for trying.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    My diary is complete and every day is logged. I don't know where you are looking. I am on a different timezone. Did you read this whole thread? I have been in calorie deficit since I can remember! I lived my entire teen years with an eating disorder!

    Energy comes from food yes....but I eat food before and after a workout, I don't always log it as pre and post workout foods

    I actually have a serious illness that i am going to a neurologist about.

    Don't be one of those people who post without reading the thread.

    My TDEE is 2200, my BMR is 1400 or so, I am eating at a deficit, lately I am not eating enough, I know that. I am not here for a diagnosis.

    I did read the entire thread and looked at your diary.

    Unless you are special snowflake you are not in a deficet.

    Yes I am being blunt...

    Don't be one of those people who assumes either...

    Weight loss comes from a calorie deficet, if you are not losing weight you are not in a calorie deficet (except for those with a medical condition such a thyroid issues etc) which you have said are fine based on your latest visits to your doctor.

    Lethargy comes from lack of movement...I know I've been there.

    Blackouts etc while working out are lack of nutrition and/or hydration and by nutrition I mean getting enough vitamins minerals etc.

    I find it hard to believe your diary is complete and honest, and since you have been given advice up the wazoo and defend yourself to the hilt there is no point in revisiting this...