Depressed :(

I've been binging since August, most days I eat a total of 3000 calories. I can't seem to stop but what makes me depressed is the fact that my older brother has been losing weight and I haven't, I'm happy that hes losing but I am really jealous. Ever since I started to binged I think I gained 10 pounds (it might not seem a lot but I am petite 4'11 and you can easily see the difference in my body). I think I lost all my muscles too because I stopped exercising, I really need some tips on how to get back on track again.

18 years old
110-112lbs (I am at a sorta average weight its just my body composition is messed up, I have a lot of flab and fat)


  • Ashley_Lea1995
    Any tips would defiantly help.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I can't help you with the binging, I've got no experience and don't want to lead you astray. But I recommend doing blogilates workouts on YouTube. She's really upbeat and they're only like 5 minutes long but you feel it the next day and after a few days, you can tell visibly (as least I can) that your tummy, butt, whatever looks tighter.

    & don't worry about your brother, boys can lose and gain weight way quicker than girls. You can't compare yourself to him, women are just totally different when it comes to weight loss I've found.

    To get back on track, I suggest eating what MFP tells you to eat at your current weight for maintenance. Eat as clean or unclean as you want. Maybe add some strength workouts or blogilates in there to build some strength back. Once you get the hang of that, try setting your goal to lose .5 pound a week if you feel like you can handle it. You can get back on track, don't worry about slip ups, we all have them :)
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I don't know where you are, but I'm in the frigid Midwest and it is hard to actually get out an do anything without digging your car out!

    But, wherever you are ...find a way to work out. It doesn't have to be a gym, it could walking after dinner, but just get moving.

    Get out of the house, walk to a coffee shop.

    Go meet a friend and see a movie.

    Just get out!

    I find that sometimes my overeating isn't about food, it is about loneliness or boredom.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I think you are doing what alot of people do, they use food to sooth stress they are feeling. At 18, you have lots of things going on that feel stressful. I'd suggest you find a mentor--an older woman preferably, that you can talk to about what's bothering you. Older friends have learned a few things and might help you solve issues you have or just let you vent. I think food is not your issue, I think your emotions are--so focus on understanding yourself. Also, I recommend endurance exercise, walking or running is a great stress relief and you would be surprised how it helps you think.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Strength training
  • KrzyRiver
    KrzyRiver Posts: 29 Member
    I have suffered from on and off depression since I was your age, especially when I was feeling discouraged about my weight. I am a recovering bulimic, because I used to eat my emotions and then panic at my calorie intake.

    My first suggestion would be to find someone to workout with. My fiancé and I workout everyday together. Some days he does better, some days I do better. But we always encourage each other. Find a workout buddy that will push you even on the days you don't feel like working out. Find workouts that are fun for you (whether that's dance, yoga, weights, whatever) and try to stick to a schedule. It's hard at first, that's why you find a buddy. If you don't have a buddy to encourage you or that you feel comfortable working out in front of, add me! I'd love to help push you towards your goals. :-)

    Also, start to plan out your meals for the day. If you don't think you can stay within 1300-1400 calories a day, start off at 1600-1700. You will still see a loss, especially if you have been eating twice this on a regular basis. Planning my whole day out helps me not only to stay under calories, but to space my food out throughout the day so that if I'm feeling sad, I can still guiltlessly grab a snack, eat a bit of my emotions, and not worry that I'll end up binging.

    Being depressed makes finding the energy and motivation to workout extra hard. But it will get easier as you build a routine. Don't get discouraged! It has taken me a long time to get to the weight I am now and I still have a long ways to go and a lot to learn. Being healthy and fit is not a crash course diet, it's a lifestyle change. :-)
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Keep the focus on you and don't compare yourself to anybody else. Start adding good habits one thing at a time. Drinking more water or going for a walk several days a week are great places to start.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I'm 4'11" 98 lbs. I was 106 when I started here and I didn't cut back my calories that much. I ate no where near 3000, so the good news is that your metabolism seems to be doing pretty well! Don't be tempted to cut back to 1200. When I was your age, I ate way more than I do now and I stayed trim. Try just cutting back to 2000 or even 2500 at first. Make some substitutions and keep around hard boiled eggs, some high fiber cereal, tuna, and a veggie tray for easy satisfying snacking. Don't feel guilty about being hungry. You are young and your body wants you to eat, work, and be strong. Just switch out some of the foods to lower calorie, high fiber and protein, foods.