Am I not eating enough?

Stats: 5'3.5" and teetering between 163-165 since the beginning of February.

I counted and averaged the last 30 days, and I've been eating 1556 NET calories per day on average.

I exercise 5-6 days a week, both cardio and strength training. My muscles are just getting used to being worked. I am VERY conservative when logging exercise calories.

I have had a couple inches lost on my waist, hips and thighs, which is promising.

I have been doing this since Jan 1st. Total of 8 weeks. This week I've been consistently back up at 165, so officially 6 lbs lost.

In most calculators my BMR is 1430-1530 and my TDEE is 2161 - 2352.

Would this mean I am actually eating ~100 calories too FEW per day? As I said, I average 1556, yet 500 cals MINUS the TDEE is a range of 1661-1852.

OR would you say that since I've lost 6 lbs per week, I in fact am eating at a .75 lb a week loss instead of a 1 lb loss as I was intending?

Feel free to check out my diary and give me all of the tough love you want, I can take it ;)