struggling .



  • 55Megamus
    Having people that are not supportive around you is common. Often it is their way of pushing back because they feel that your positive changes mean they should make changes too and they just are not ready or willing to do that.

    Friends and family and food can make it tough, there is always a reason to celebrate with food. every holiday, long weekend, birthday, job promotion, graduation, weekly wing night, Olympic gold medal hockey games (2 of them in one week!) and the list goes on and on. It doesn't help when the people around you are not worried about it like you are, it makes it very difficult.

    You are not going to eliminate this stuff altogether just be conscious about the least amount that will make you happy, Be up front about your plans with the people around you, (make sure they know your not asking them to change, but they could be a bit more positive around you). Do not make them eat differently unless they are willing, but be prepared to bring your own food.

    anyways, I can be supportive, check out my profile, it tells my story and the type of friend I can be, anyone can feel free to add me
  • Lowestsalary
    You'll be good. You just have to find what motivated you and keep that as a reminder. My best advise is it to make this change for "You" right now because YOU want to. Dont wait for something to happen to drive your motivation and keep you focused. However I can understand needing/wanting a support system. Should you ever need any advise/tips/jokes definitely feel free to shoot me a message.

    Best of Luck to you.........and make sure you Own today and everyday.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I know its hard, but you can't really expect the people around you to make changes just because you are. When I first start losing weight, no one around me was trying and I did not expect them to make any changes for my sake. It probably made things a bit harder, but in a way it didn't because I didn't resent anybody, and I learned to do what I had to do no matter what was going on around me. Beingvon MFP helped because I always had some kind of access to like-minded people.
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    You don't need their opinion to loose weight :) just come here now and then and check out the success stories, it's AMAZING what human will and determination can achieve.

    Also feel free to add me.
  • nopokudi
    Hi ladies and gents. I'm new to this...I really need motivation and consistency! I've been struggling with weight loss since I've had my child in 2005. I'll lose weight, then gain, time and time again.My family basically ridicules me all the time! I just want to be healthy for my daughter and myself!!!
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    We got your back!
  • Carflea
    Carflea Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Fellow Strugglers! I'm on this site again :) I"m hoping to stick with my daily goal of charting everything i eat. I'm having a hard time losing weight but i think its because i do a lot of bored eating that I don't recognize... My hardest part of the day is 2-5.... If there is anyone out there that feels like friending me, we can cheer each other on :)
  • Carflea
    Carflea Posts: 8 Member
    Options Do you lose weight, think your good and eat a lot then gain? Basically sabotage your hard worK? If so, i'm in that cycle too and it sucks... I'll cheer you on!
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    ugh bummer!! =((
    im glad you are able to find some support on the boards.
    imo, is there a way you can distance yourself a bit from your family as they arent being very supportive. this seems to be jeopardizing your physical and mental health..not good.
    hang in there i know not easy!
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Feel free to add me. Have been here for a short while (almost a year). It's about learning boundaries, but with yourself and with those close to you. Can't let people who don't have your best interests get you off track.
  • nopokudi
    We can support each other hun!!! Add me.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hey all...if you want additional support or someone to talk feel free to add me.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    So sorry to hear what you're going through. I kind of have the same issue where a family member criticises the fact I weigh all my food and turns their nose up sometimes. Just think of their faces when you reach your goal and look (and feel) better than you ever did before. Feel free to add :)
  • skinnyfat1976
    I am sorry to hear that. It can make something that tends to be difficult even more difficult when you don't have the support of others. I recently joined fitness pal, and find that I have learned a lot about my past eating habits, and just how many calories I was consuming when I believed at the time there was no way I was eating that many calories. I have found this site to be a great source of support, and hope you do as well. Please keep in mind that your journey into weight loss isn't about others, it is about you, and at the end of the day what you do, and how you choose to manage it is what really counts. Don't let others get you down, and try to not care so much about what others say/think. I know that is easier said than done, but you, and your goals are important, especially your health. Please feel free to add me, we all could use all of the support we can get! Good luck:)
  • skinnyfat1976
    I am in that same position. I find that I eat a lot of times out of boredom or stress. I have been struggling with my weight for the last 10 years, especially the last 3 years since I had my son. I actually weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant, and when I look at pictures of when I was pregnant I actually get a little sad, because when I was at my heaviest, at that time, I looked better than I do now! I do struggle with hypothyroid, which came about with my pregnancy, but I keep trying, but often times find myself in big ruts, or much like you, lose a little to only gain that plus some back. It can be frustrating, but keep trying, pay more attention to those times that you find your are eating out of boredom, and do something to intervene/change your mindset even if it is something like doing a small workout, going for a walk.....the possibilites are endless. Good luck!:smile:
  • Nickih4619093
    Nickih4619093 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all! anyone needing support please add me! To the op, you need to walk your own path and not worry about what your family does/says! Could be they are a bit jealous and wish they had the strength to change? Just keep a clear picture in your head of your new healthy and fabulous self and being able to flaunt that bod in front of all the doubters when you reach your goal! You CAN do this!
  • I am struggling too... every day .. each day - everybody else in my house eats normally..... lots of card and they are slim .. so I need to prove myself that I can do it.. specially to my husband ..... as with time .. I think that he got used to my failures in this area... and although he is respectful enough to not say anything .... I d like to prove him, wrong .. prove all of them wrong
  • skinnyfat1976
    Hi! I can relate to a lot of people on this board. I desperately want to lose weight for myself, my family, and my health, but I am having a very hard time doing this. I love food, most days, too, much, but I have to get some things under control, and could use a little more support. I find that I retain a lot of water, and I also have a thyroid issue, so those two things make it more difficult than what it already is, and I find that I get frustrated with the lack of results easily. Any additional support would be awesome and welcomed! Also, I would love to hear from others who live with hypothyroidism, and what they have done.
  • careyw1
    careyw1 Posts: 400 Member
    I think at one point in time we all have struggled with weight loss..we have good days and bad days. Do it for yourself!Dont worry about them focus on yourself! Trust me everyone in my household eat what they want. I make them what I eat if they dont like it oh well..then my hubby goes makes a peanut butter and chocolate sandwich right in front of me..mmmmm... but I resisted walked away. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • JoanneC1216
    Im having a really hard time with my weight loss . I keep telling myself that I can do it , But seem to fail myself . I have no support at all from friends or family , whenever im around them they eat junk food in front of me , or make fun of me . A few times ive lost weight and was very proud of myself but got treated bad by family which lead to me being upset and eating poorly ,Im still a bit new to mfp and would love to just make some positive friends on here , so we can support eachother , sadly i have no one so i consider MFP my family . Ive never written a topic before so i hope i can post this ,


    There are only certain people you can look to for support. The people who don't support you, don't even tell them your weight loss plans. I know all too well how discouraging it can be.

    This site (for the most part) can be very encouraging.

    Stay positive! :smile: