Running Advise for 30K wanted, please!

Sun 23rd of March will be 12 months to the day since I started to improve my life. Whilst on a high from a 10K run I've signed up for a 30K run because it fell on the anniversary and because I need my head examining! I run around 20miles a week with my longest run at about 9.5 miles (running slow but non-stop). I intend doing a couple of 11-12 mile runs over the next 2 weekends but given the timescales I can't do much else in terms of increasing distance.

Given that I'm doing this for charity and have a whole 3 weeks to train for it I just wanted to see if my cunning plan is likely to succeed as not doing it is not an option for me but I don't want to injure myself either.

I'd like to finish in around 4.5hrs so need to average 4mph so was planning on running 2 miles then walking 1 alternating tnrough that for the race. Does this sound a do-able strategy or has any one got something that may work better?

Thanks :)


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    If you do a run/walk, I think it's doable. I would say try the run/walk for the first 9mi, and see what you can muster up for a non-stop run in the second 9mi (worst case you'd go back to run/walk). I think you're wise not to try and increase your distance in such a short time. You'd only be risking a miserable time at the event, and potential injury beforehand. This was a pretty ambitious thing to do, but I'm a firm believer in "forcing" yourself out of your comfort zone, safely of course.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks for the reassurance :) If by pretty ambitious you mean a bit nuts then you are absolutely correct! But it'll definitely be a memorable way of marking a 100lb weight loss and falling in love with running in the process. I can walk 18 miles so hopefully running/ walking it will be doable without being a total killer *Sam crosses her fingers*