In need of motivation

I watched the first 2 episodes of the new 'my mad fat diary' series last night, and felt as if Rae was telling my story. I felt so much empathy for her that it just brought all my 'not good enough' feelings to the front of my mind. As a result I had a horrible nights sleep with a few recurring dreams and just feel like total crap today. I'm planning on taking a long walk with my youngest in the buggy after lunch, and hoping i'll be able to get rid of this horrible, weepy, depresed mood in the sunshine.

But if it doesn't work, i'd love someone to basically give me a verbal kick up the backside lol


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Let yourself feel for a little bit. Have a good cry and let it go. Some like to write down what they are feeling and why and then burn it. The sunshine should help. It usually picks me up.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member

    What I can say is that you are good enough. You are worth it I believe you can do it! Please don't feel down. You have made the decision to change your life and are striving to do so. I applaud you. It takes great courage to decide to change your life. I hope you recognize that in you.

    If you'd like some support and advice, I'd be more than happy to help you along in your journey in any way that I can. I help run a weight loss support group with some friends of mine if you are interested.

    If you'd like, I sent you a buddy request and we can chat about it in private message.

    Allan TerBush
    Team Grit