
Hi everyone, James Allen, 19 years old, 60KGs, 5 foot 5''
I just started a new job, with it came a discounted gym membership. I am 19 years old and have wanted to join a gym since I was 16, but it was not financially viable. I joined this week and I am absolutely loving it - I can't believe I missed out on this for 3 years!
Anyway, every day this week I have taken my lunch hour to go for a 20-30 minute run/elliptical, and then I go after work for roughly an hour and a half - 30 minutes cardio and the rest of the time on the free weights and machines (depending what day it is)
I am still a bit of a rookie and would appreciate peoples' thoughts on my workout routine and also any advice they could offer me on building muscle. Not looking to get swole here but some size and definition would go down a treat! Also i want to lose my hip fat (i know spot reducing is not possible)
I'm eat 1780 calories a day according to MFP, drinking lots of water and avoiding high sugar and high carbohydrate food and drinks.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to hearing from you!