2011 - New Year, New Me (week 3)



  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    My goals for the next week are:

    1) Keep with the exercise routing b/c I work 2 jobs and in the next 7 days both have overtime AND my choir is starting rehearsals up. That means gone from 5-6am to 9-10pm every day.

    2) Eat healthy for the same reason as number 1. Normally, I would do fast food btwn jobs/rehearsals. I might pack 2 of the 3, often 1 of the 3 meals. My goal is to pack all 3 meals before leaving for work each day. I've done this a couple of times. It takes a LOT of planning.

    So there you have it. Food and exercise! :flowerforyou:
  • my2loves04and06
    My goal is to pack all 3 meals before leaving for work each day. I've done this a couple of times. It takes a LOT of planning.

    Yes it does! I plan out my meals the night before so I have time to fanaggle and flip foods around in and out of the menu to get the right combination for the day. When I throw things together on the fly, I end up way over my cals. Good luck with your upcoming busy schedule!

    My goals for this week are to continue sticking to my cal goal. We have the hubby's company picnic on Saturday and I work Sat/Sun nights. I'm going to eat within reason at the picnic (since I can't pre-plan that), but I may have to workout if I need to to stay under my cal goal.
  • deewesash
    deewesash Posts: 35 Member
    My goals for this week is to continue exercersing everyday and healthy food choices. I've seen a difference! :) This evening we are having a potluck for a nurse that is leaving (you know how nurses don't bring healthy food), so I'm going to stay focused and if there is no good choices, I'll buy my lunch in the cafeteria (salad or something).

    Happy mid-week everyone!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i tried to just copy and paste the chart from my computer but the stupid spacing is off....
    so i just checked everyone's entries and updated accordingly.....if you have a new weight to report, please post to the thread and i'll update the chart....

    Name........................ 9/6 - SW ...................9/20 - CW ............total lbs +/-............total % lost
    My2Loves....................212.6....................... 210.......................-2.6..........................-1.2%
    bluiz13.........................213.2........................213.................. ......-.2..........................-.1%
    LisaC1026.................161.6 .......................161.2................ -0.4..............................-.2%
    vkpmusic....................164.8..................... ..161.8.....................-3 ...........................-1.8%
    cherryjellybean......... 235............................231.8...................-3.2..........................-1.4%
    mamajoytimes2....... 220............................220.........................0..............................0%
    sassy0913.................161.2..........................161.2...................0................................0% (joined week 3)
    robynrae_1.................208.0...........................208.0..................0...............................0% (joined wk 3)
    kizzy_muss.................180..............................180......................0................................0% (joined wk3)

  • my2loves04and06
    I love that you already updated my loss! You're my new BFF! My offical weight is 209.8. :bigsmile:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    lol my2loves...i'll fix it on my sheet too....

    ps.....now i really have to kick it in gear if i want to "beat" you this week....or any for that matter since we have been neck and neck and now you are ahead ;)
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    yesterday i started on my weight loss journey AGAIN for the MILLIONTH time since I started on my weight loss journey back in 2002/2003.

    I started with the basics:
    -measured food
    -count calories
    -stayed within calorie range of 1200 calories I ate lower than that over 1100 I will post what i ate yesterday on here.
    -exercise: walking...that will be my main exercise from September 22 - September 26. If I do additional exercise that will be a BONUS!!! did 60 mins of walking yesterday.
    -drank 64 oz h20
    -wrote down everything ate and drank.

    after i am done with myfitnesspal i'm headed downstairs to start my morning of making coffee and breakfast
  • Brittany689
    I'm having such a hard time I keep being lazy and not exercising! I hope today to do some situps and lift some weights just got my new mp3 player in the mail today maybe that can help me get off the couch lol.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Trace - congrats on the loss this week!

    Denise - Thank you so much for taking on the task of keeping our list updated. I also noticed you corrected my weigh-in. Thank you! :flowerforyou: .

    I'm not sure what's going on with me, but I think I totally missed my weigh in last week. I was really busy on Friday and I think I just forgot about it. I won't forget tomorrow though, I'm really looking forward to my weigh in.

    My goals for this week are to cut out all the eating out I've been doing, drink my water, and walk a minimum of 30 minutes each day. I'm on my 3rd day of walking and I'm already at 1.3 miles. :bigsmile: As embarrasing as it is to admit, today will be my first day not eating out in a LONNNNNGGGG time, provided I don't stray for dinner (which I'm pretty confident that I won't)
  • Brittany689
    My goals this week is to drink 8 cups of water and walk/jog for 30 min. every day this week.
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm feeling weak today. I am so craving sweets! So far I've resisted the temptation, but the single serving Skinny Cow chocolate peanut butter ice cream in my freezer is calling my name. So is the Golden Graham Marshmallow bar. Mmmm. :love: I worked out today, and even if I do eat both of those treats I'm under my cal goal. Already drank my 64oz for today, too. So why do I feel so hesitant/guilty about eating both?
  • johndee
    johndee Posts: 25 Member
    Name.......................... SW ......................... CW ......................total lbs +/-............total % lost
    My2Loves....................212.6....................... 213.8...................+1.2...........................0%
    LisaC1026.................161.6 .......................161.6................ -0.4...............................0%
    vkpmusic....................164.8..................... ..161.8.....................-3 ............................0%
    cherryjellybean......... 235............................231.8...................-3.2............................1%
    mamajoytimes2....... 220............................220.........................0..............................0%
    sassy0913.................161.2..........................161.2...................0................................0% (joined week 3 first entry)
    robynrae_1.................208.0............................208.0..................0...............................0% (joined 9/20/10
    johndee.......................188.0............................188.0..................0...............................0% (joined 9/23/10)

    I look forward to dropping that number down, but right now all I'm thinking about is what am I going to eat.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    My goal is to get up early enough to get a 30 min walk in before work, because I never manged to do it after working 10 hour nights.
    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    hi can i join in on this too, :smile:
    i started on this site on 6th sept 2010 at 191 1lb
    my weight loss on 13th sept was 1.5 1bs
    and on 20th sept was 5 3/4 lbs
    so ive lost 7 1/4 lbs in total so far , :bigsmile:
    my next weigh in is mon 27th sept
    thanks you
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My goal this week is to not let TOM be an excuse for a gain I will still be down come Monday morning!!!
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    My goal this week is to not let TOM be an excuse for a gain I will still be down come Monday morning!!!

    i am so echoing you on the above :)
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    My goal this week is to not let TOM be an excuse for a gain I will still be down come Monday morning!!!

    i am so echoing you on the above :)

    ditto :grumble:
  • my2loves04and06
    We had a semi-busy morning today and I didn't get a chance to weigh myself before I ate breakfast. I did weigh on Wednesday though and I was down 4 lbs from Monday. I must of had a LOT of water weight from camping at the beach over the weekend! I'll weigh again tomorrow morning BEFORE my husband's company picnic (Mmm free picnic-y foods), just in case my weight has changed again.

    Happy Friday!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning all,

    Went up to the hotel gym for about 1 hour this morning and did 30 minute on the bike and 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. I didn't have something to eat before the workout, and I won't be doing that again, b/c I do need the extra energy.

    Well, have some work training to do now, and them were checking in to a different hotel to be closer to D.C. and then doing a night tour of D.C. all lit up.

    Take care all, and keep pushing.
  • Brittany689
    Today I finally did it I went power walking for 30min. today and been really good on my diet. I'm so proud of myself right now.