Struggling with weight loss

I lose 1-2 pounds only to gain 3-4. I love the app, but I am really frustrated with weight loss at this time in my life.


  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    i know the frustration!!

    however im *usually* always able to attribute a gain (anything over a 1 lb in a week) to something in my regiment whether it be exercise or my diet. be sure to write everything down even that little morsel =)

    good luck!! hang in there! i know its seems like so much work to get it off and you breathe the wrong way and gain back double!!
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    This site works, I know because this is my 1 yr anniversary on here today. Just stick with it!
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    i feel you on that one. ive been fluctuating with these first 5lbs for just over a month now. getting pretty tired of it.
    whats additionally frustrating, is that i KNOW what im doing. i know what choices im making that are pulling me in the wrong direction and i KNOW what choices im not making that would help me improve.

    im looking forward to march. im going to plan out my meals, make sure i get my workouts in, and just enjoy life. after all, whats the point of improving our health if we cant enjoy it? im going to start now.

    have you had a chance to take a moment and think about what youve been doing over the past few weeks that is bringing up this frustration? for me its usually a mental switch i need to flip.. sometimes it just gets stuck. perhaps something similar for you?
  • nanaclips
    nanaclips Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I know I take the weekends off and that is a downfall. I really need to stay focused 24/7.