
I am not a every day breakfast eater and I have been making myself eat it. So why is it I am so tired after eating my breakfast, I usually do all kinds of house work so I am moving.Now I eat and all I want to do is sit any thoughts?


  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    what are you eating for breakfast? and how soon after you wake up are you eating?
  • Mommyof31970
    Mommyof31970 Posts: 31 Member
    Toast, Boiled eggs, Breakfast bars, Grapefruit I had the best luck with the grape fruit so far but I did not eat it till like 9:00 so I have been moving for 3 hours already around 8:00 is what time I usually try and eat.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Meal timing doesn't matter. If skipping breakfast works better for you then skip it. No reason to force yourself to eat it, especially if it drags you down. If you are eating a lot of sugar or carbs, you might be crashing later, so adding protein can help.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    Toast, Boiled eggs, Breakfast bars, Grapefruit

    thats a big breakfast! for me anyways and for someone who never eats breakfast! lol!
    i would try 1/2 slice toast, 1 boiled egg and 1/2 grapefruit and see how you feel!
  • Mommyof31970
    Mommyof31970 Posts: 31 Member
    I have not been over on anythiong on my food logs so not sure
  • Mommyof31970
    Mommyof31970 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh I dont eat all those things at once ..... Toast or toast egg or Grapefruit or ceral bar LOL
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Here is a great breakfast that will give you plenty of energy and make you feel great. Use Whole grain oatmeal (not the prepackaged stuff) about 6-8 egg whites with cinnamon ( I put cinnamon in my oatmeal too). I also eat 1-2 pieces of turkey bacon. It is delicious, filling and gives me the energy I need to start my day. :wink:
  • dawnari
    dawnari Posts: 9 Member
    I also struggled when I added a meal early in the day. LIke you, I felt more lethargic.. but worse than that, it made me ravenous all day long. I was like Pippin in LoTR... "We've had one breakfast, yes. But what about second breakfast? Elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper?" It was a horrible fiasco. I've come to the conclusion that nothing good comes from forcing yourself to eat when you don't feel like it. Breakfast happens when you break your fast, not at some prescribed hour. You aren't going to break yourself by listening to your body :)
  • Mommyof31970
    Mommyof31970 Posts: 31 Member
    6 to 8 egg whites wow that is alot of eggs and I am not a oatmeal eater unless its cookies :smile:
  • Mommyof31970
    Mommyof31970 Posts: 31 Member
    I think I will go with that cause I eat when I am hungry sometimes I am sometimes I am not I function quite well on no breakfast and maybe a mid morning snack I am going to try that :)