Getting to the gym



  • vvendy_darling
    You obviously don't want it bad enough and most likely won't follow any advice given to you anyway.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You obviously don't want it bad enough and most likely won't follow any advice given to you anyway.
    unfortunately this is pretty spot on.

    the reality is- if you want to go- you go.

    I come home- and am home for several hours before I go- my schedule requires use of the aerobics room- and it doesn't clear till 9 PM.

    So I get home around 5. Do stuff- then leave around 730/8 to go lift- then dance from 9/9:30 to 11.

    why- because it's what I do.

    Don't just go home and do whatever. go home get your stuff ready- set a time- and go when that time gets there. That's all there is to it. Make a schedule- and do the thing.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    You obviously don't want it bad enough and most likely won't follow any advice given to you anyway.


    But I agree with the posts above mine. If you want it - you'll do it. If you don't - you won't.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    Sorry honey, no sympathy from me here. I work an hour away in another state, I get up at 5:00 a.m. just to go to work, have 2 kids, drive home and get there around 5:00 p.m. cook dinner, do homework with my son, get the little one her bath AND I STILL GET TO THE GYM.

    It's call making your mind up and CHOOSING do do it. You gotta want it bad enough.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    It's really about getting yourself motivated. I do work, but I like to go home after work and then go to the gym after dinner. I struggled with motivation for a long time. I recently joined a new gym, and even though it's further from my house, I am going every other day because I feel re-energized and actually excited to go. I found it easy to skip it when I was bored with my old gym and the old routine. Are you bored with the same old workout every time you go? Try switching it up -taking a class, or finding a gym buddy to help motivate you to go. You have to remind yourself why you want to get healthy and why you need to go to accomplish your goals. Don't try to go every day - you can overdo it and will just burn out. Try to switch it up with DVDs at home, walking the neighborhood, etc. Best of luck to you! *hugs*

    I agree!

    I like to go after dinner as well. Its less busy too.
  • richardositosanchez
    You have to motivate yourself to get to the gym or it's not going to happen.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    You might want to try DVDs like someone else suggested.

    You do have a lot of time. Others work and have school, and they still make it to the gym. I work nearly full time and go to school full time and although its stressful, I still make time for the gym. Sometimes there are days when I can not go, like Saturdays because of long days at work. But I do on days I have school ( no work ) and on days when I have shorter shifts at work.

    You don't have to go everyday. I think it will be a good idea to go every other day. You can take a rest day during the week too. When the weather gets nicer, you can take a walk around the park or around your neighborhood. You can exercise at home when you are not going to the gym.

    Because you have a lot of time, I think its a really good idea to get some kind of routine in.
  • jh270593
    jh270593 Posts: 33 Member
    I put my name down to do classes on a mon, wed and fri, I enjoy the classes more than actually going into the gym, see if there are any classes you fancy? A few weeks ago when I didn't fancy going to the gym I set a day to go swimming instead :-)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm having a hard time getting myself to the gym each day. I'm not working and if I don't have another reason to leave the house I just don't go.
    If I'm doing errands or have a doctor's appointment I like to swing by on my way home. My gym is 4.5 miles away so it's not like its a terrible drive.
    Any ideas?
    Get out of bed, put on your workout clothes and go before you can talk yourself out of it.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I take classes, so I have an "appointment" scheduled for myself. Doesn't matter if its Monday at 7pm or Wednesday at 10am. I have tried multiple classes, decided which classes (and which instructors) motivate me. Its on my calendar and I've set reminders on my phone.

    You can also look at as an investment in yourself. You spending x amount per month and that's an investment in your health and well being. Don't waste that time or money. Put yourself first. Laundry will always need to be washed, dishes can be washed later, etc - always take care of yourself first. Even through marriage, and having a baby, I still have to remember to take care of myself.

    Up to you if you want to find a workout buddy. I have been going by myself and for myself for quite some time, but I do enjoy it when my friend meets me for class once a week and when my hubby goes to the gym at the same time so we can do some strength training together.