Struggle with my diet

I really struggle with my diet. I'm good on exercise. I do 2 Body Pump classes a week, 2 Turbo Kick classes a week, T25 5x week, and run 1/2 hr on treadmill 5 x week.. I have been doing this for the last 5 or 6 weeks. But, it seems like the more I excersie, the more I think I can eat, and my eating gets out of control. Always before, when I was at my lowest weight, and maintained, I rarely excerised. I know I'm not going to see the results I want, until I get my eating under control. I'm 5' 2", 110 lbs. I only want to lose 10 lbs, which should be fairly easy, since I have weighed between 100 lb - 103 lb most of the last 25 yrs. I just got lazy this last year. I probably eat 3k calories 4 out of 7 days a week, which is way to much. I get frustrated with myself, because I put in the work to get a great body, but screw it up with how much I eat. I love the way I feel when I excersie, I know that dieting makes you look good in clothes, and excersie makes you look good naked :)