Please don't yell at me...



  • BootCampCrazy
    BootCampCrazy Posts: 53 Member
    No carbs 24 hours before weigh in, and a shot of vodka before bed.

    But don't do anything stupid for the sake of $200, especially if your immune system is already under stress.

    Im just curious why you say a shot of vodka before bed?

    Maybe it dehydrates you = loss in water weight?
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    With four kids under is always warranted. I have four kids of varied is a win-win. Lol

    It is mostly water retention. Take a few days to reset in yur diet and exercise.

    There are lots of ways to drop weight more quickly. Low/no carb is one of them. Atkins can show you ten lbs lost the first week. It will all come back though! Lol

    Sweat, drink water, eat healthy. Doing this the right way is worth so much more than 200 dollars!
  • LVCeltGirl
    No yelling, you did the right thing.

    You've gotten tons of wonderful advice but I'll add 2 cents worth that I didn't see mentioned.

    Drink a lot of water, starting now. It sounds like water weight gain from not sleeping enough, and potential high sodium food choices plus whatever else could cause your body to retain water. The quickest way to get rid of water is to drink it. I don't completely understand why but I know it works. I'd heard from somebody that their sister (who supposedly models/acts) would actively drink 1 gallon of water to help stay thin. I don't know the truth of it but I do know that 1 gallon daily for my almost 240 lb body is doing me good and allowing me to drop below that 240.

    And reiterate what I'd seen that I feel is important:

    Get back on your routine - workout, get enough sleep (I know that's probably still tough but sleep is so important especially with water retention), and back to cooking the way you were. The sleep thing is especially important the night before the "final weigh in". I have had so many recent times where I've dropped 2 lbs overnight simply because I hadn't been sleeping well and finally did.

    You can do this and I hope you take pride on all the weight you've lost even if you don't win the contest!
  • EvenThatNameIsTaken
    also, just realized i have baby poop under my fingernail and dried baby snot on my arm. now THERE'S a guaranteed way to keep from eating. seriously gross.

    ewww!! but hey, boosting that immunity system even more! lol. good luck with your contest!