Paleo or Not?

Thinking about doing Paleo.... my PT suggested it, a nutritionist I know says don't do it. Anybody's thoughts on this?


  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    I will ask why?? If oyu eat the correct healthy foods and maintian portion control along with a exercise routine why do it.

    I will agree with the nutritionist.
    The weight I have lost is because of following the simple rules of eat healthy (portion control) and exercise.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think it depends on whether you are prepared to give up dairy, grains, legumes and a few other healthy foods for rest of your life. If you have no problem with that, then sure, give it a try.

    But, if that seems crazy and arbitrarily overly restrictive and like something you would only do short term, then I would suggest trying to find a healthy way of eating within your goals that you can do long term.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I am not an expert, but I will share with you what I experienced. I read a book on Paleo called "The Primal Blueprint." It was a very interesting book and I thought I would try it. If you want to follow it very strictly it can be difficult to maintain. I tried the best I could and had sone good results in the beginning. I was less hungry, I lost about 6 lbs.
    But, because of eating more fat, my cholesterol shot up ( the man who wrote Primal Blueprint thinks that is okay) , weight loss stopped and ultimately I stopped.
    I have now been counting my every calorie, and finally lost about 27 lbs since August, using MFP I eat whatever I want, but I weigh/measure/ and count everything! It is the only thing that has worked for me.
    The "Primal Blueprint " was a great book, and I believe had some great advice...I try and follow the basic principles. Good Luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am not an expert, but I will share with you what I experienced. I read a book on Paleo called "The Primal Blueprint." It was a very interesting book and I thought I would try it. If you want to follow it very strictly it can be difficult to maintain. I tried the best I could and had sone good results in the beginning. I was less hungry, I lost about 6 lbs.
    But, because of eating more fat, ...

    Since wild game is so lean, I've always been curious what the reasoning behind eating more fat is. What was the source of so much fat for the paleolithic man?
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    If it's something you're interested in, I'd say try it and see for yourself. Honestly the whole "do it for the rest of your life" thing gets bandied about on these forums all the time but it's completely illogical. There's absolutely nothing that says you can't do something for a while and then decide to do something else in the future. As an analogy, if I'm designing a training plan and I decide to incorporate cable crossovers instead of dumbbell flies, there's absolutely nothing that says I'll lose all my gains if I later decide I want to do dumbbell flies instead (or both - or neither) as part of my chest workout.

    The same goes for your diet. Just because you might change your short-term plan at some point in the future says nothing about your long-term outlook. If you're interested in paleo, try it out, keep your calories/macros in check and see how you like it. If you don't like it for one reason or another, try something else and still pay attention to your calories/macros. Worst case scenario? You end up paying a bit more for food, spending a bit more time cooking, and realize you miss dairy.