Runners... long run snacks?



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you're getting enough carbs in the 24 to 48 hours before your long run (at least anything up to 2hrs) you probably don't need to fuel during the run but if it makes you feel better there's no harm in it.

    A few years ago I started making my own "gel" for a couple of reasons. First I was disgusted by the littler left behind on the recreational paths by other runners (honestly, you'd think carrying an empty gel pack to the next trash can was too much to ask) and, secondly, I'm homemade brew (3 parts honey, 1 part molasses, a pinch of salt & a little water to thin it a bit) is very inexpensive, keeps well (you use a gel flask which is about the same as 4 or 5 gels) and I can pronounce all of the ingredients.

    If you decide you want to fuel while racing make sure you try whatever product you want to use while training - you don't want any surprises on race day!
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Occasionally I'll have a Hammer Gel but anything under 11 miles, nothing at all.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    You really need to experiment what works for you. There is no right or wrong answer at least IMO.

    For me, I run first thing in the AM, so I have no food in me except for dinner the night before. So on my long runs I tend to eat 1/2 a banana or a slice of toast with PB so I don't get sick midway through the run.

    Then around mile 7 or 8 I found eating 1/2 a clif bar or sports jelly beans help me complete the run. Then as soon as I get home I have a protein breakfast or glass of chocolate milk until I can get a real breakfast in me.

    I usually end up sick from Gu, shot blocks or other things like that. I also found I need to stay away from sports drinks - they make me feel nauseous at the end of the run.

    Just experiment on your long runs to find what works for you :)

    ETA: I am a slow runner, which for me is up to a 3:30 hours during a half... thus the need to refuel. I've heard from many folks who are in the 2 hour or less range are fine without any fuel. I get nauseous or hit walls without a little something to get through the final stretch.