1200 calories plus workout



  • Kylies_mom87
    You're getting close to your goal. By losing the last weight too fast, you risk losing muscle as well as fat. As a random stranger on the Internet whose knowledge comes from reading books, not any formal training (like most of us here!), I advise eating more, so that you lose the last 25 lb. or so more slowly, and doing strength training to preserve your muscles. A basic body weight program can work wonders, and you can do it at home without taking the time and money to go to a gym.

    Thank you for the advice. I do strength training twice a week. Just at home with my little 5 lb dumbbells along with squats and lunges. I can already feel a difference.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Since no one else has mention it, do you weight all your food? I am sure you have read it since you have been on MFP for a while now, but make sure you are keeping up with that. It helps keep the error of counting down. Try just eating back half your exercise calories at first too. Good luck.
  • Kylies_mom87
    Since no one else has mention it, do you weight all your food? I am sure you have read it since you have been on MFP for a while now, but make sure you are keeping up with that. It helps keep the error of counting down. Try just eating back half your exercise calories at first too. Good luck.

    Thank you. Good luck to you too. Yes, I weigh everything! And just to be clear when you all say to eat back half the calories burned, does that mean to eat till my Net calories are back at 1200??
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    Hey everyone. So I've been eating 1200 calories per day and burning 250-400 during my workouts, which I do 5 times a week. So my Net calories have been around 700. I've lost a total of 52 lbs so far but It has come to my attention that my Net calories should be no lower than 1200. So does that mean I need to eat 1450-1600 calories a day? Even though I'm only eating 1200 I never go hungry. Do I need to change my calorie intake at all if what I'm doing now is obviously working for me? All opinions appreciated. Thank you for your help.

    Yes, 1200 is the minimum (I think you could and should eat more unles you are 5' and 60yo) and yes you should eat back your exercise calories.

    I would encourage you to increase your income based on how far away from your goal you are, you will find out more here:

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Since no one else has mention it, do you weight all your food? I am sure you have read it since you have been on MFP for a while now, but make sure you are keeping up with that. It helps keep the error of counting down. Try just eating back half your exercise calories at first too. Good luck.

    Thank you. Good luck to you too. Yes, I weigh everything! And just to be clear when you all say to eat back half the calories burned, does that mean to eat till my Net calories are back at 1200??

    Eating all of your exercise calories would make it Net 1200. So, you need to either log the exercise as half the amount of calories, in which case it would Net 1200. Or, when you see it says you burned 400 in exercise, just mentally know you need to eat 200 more.
  • cpcoursec
    cpcoursec Posts: 82 Member
    If you feel good and you are losing weight, do what you are doing. It's when weight stalls, goes back up, or you start having health issues like being tired all the time, cranky, sluggish....IMO is when you need to start really questioning what you are doing.