Ohhh I just keep snacking!

I know why I do it, I'm bored, and I just keep thinking about food! And all these new healthy recipes! They're so healthy but I'm eating so much of it!
Also, am failing miserably when it comes to exercising. Managed to get up half hour early to do some Zumba this morning but It's quite hard when I have to get up at 5am every morning to begin with.

I leave for work at 6am. And I get home at 5.45pm.
At work I can eat very healthy but then I pig out on the biscuits there! There are always biscuits because I work in Housekeeping and the guests get biscuits. Anywhere else I would never choose to eat any kind of biccies! It's driving me nuts!


So I'm thinking... support? help? tips? Please!!
Sometimes when I get home all I want to do is chill on the computer or watch some telly because work just tires me out.


  • ttdragonflytt
    Emma, I so know this feeling!!! This was me! I work in a medical clinic and there is ALWAYS bad bad food arund. You would think it would be good for you food....but noooo...these crazy people want donuts and cookies and ..oh i just can't think about it.

    Anyway, what helped me was I bought my OWN snacks. I had a little pouch of 100 calorie snack, dried fruit mixes and fiber bars I kept on hand. That way I knew I could avoid that stuff as I had my own! Doing that for just one week, I dropped 3lbs!

    Also, drink water often. It helps keep you full!

    Best of success!
  • trgobble
    trgobble Posts: 51 Member
    I am a bored eater, too. I don't know how to help you there, other than to say eat things like light popcorn or something. It fills you up for not a lot of calories. As for working out, I could never get up and do it. I get up at 5:30 and get home anywhere between 4 and 6 or so. I have found that simply cleaning up my house can be workout enough on the days I don't feel like doing anything else. Do some dishes, laundry, pick up stuff that's in the floor...30 minutes of that can burn some calories. Then maybe just walk around your house or go outside for a walk. That's what I've been doing, because I'm not good at "working out."

    Good luck, hope this helps!
  • trgobble
    trgobble Posts: 51 Member
    Emma, I so know this feeling!!! This was me! I work in a medical clinic and there is ALWAYS bad bad food arund. You would think it would be good for you food....but noooo...these crazy people want donuts and cookies and ..oh i just can't think about it.

    Anyway, what helped me was I bought my OWN snacks. I had a little pouch of 100 calorie snack, dried fruit mixes and fiber bars I kept on hand. That way I knew I could avoid that stuff as I had my own! Doing that for just one week, I dropped 3lbs!

    Also, drink water often. It helps keep you full!

    Best of success!

    Yes, the water too! If you drink your 8 glasses, you'll be too full to snack. Drink it or chew gum instead of snacking.
  • iamdesiderata
    iamdesiderata Posts: 95 Member
    When it comes to exercise for me, getting up early is just too hard to do, so i always save it for the end of the day. But you have to make it something you look forward to doing, so at the end of a long day at work, you actually want to go and exercise. Find a friend that you can be a workout buddy with that will keep you from getting bored or from making up excuses not to go. And always switch up your workout, doing different types of cardio, such as treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, and the lap pool. Even a long walk can burn a lot of calories..

    The reason your body craves these biscuits, or any carbohydrate-dense food, is because carbs are the easiest source of energy your body can digest quickly, giving you a boost in blood sugar thus boosting your energy. Your body is trying to tell you something, that it needs something; energy. Either you didn't eat enough in the morning or didn't get enough sleep, but your body asks for an energy source in a very effective, sometimes no-so-diet-friendly way, craving those carby items of food. Your body doesn't NEED those biscuits to survive, so you can fill the void your body creates with healthy hunger filling food, food that has a high amount of protein and/or insoluble fiber, two very important ingredients to keep you from feeling like you need to indulge.

    Of course, you need to learn to strike a balance between binging and completely limiting foods that wouldn't normally be allowed on the diet. So, never eating another cookie again will only lead to binging on cookies very soon, because you've made them unattainable in your head, thus your brain craves them even more. So allow yourself only one or two cheat items a day, to keep yourself sane but still within the realms of your diet. This is always easier said than done, but this is a very important habit to learn when starting a diet or healthy lifestyle. The feeling of overcoming your cravings by outsmarting your body is much more satisfying than the feeling you get 7 cookies later.

    Hope this helps!
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm a recovering bored eater...lol... I have been drinking more water and chewing gum and it has helped a lot. Try different flavors of gum. I have several gum flavors in my desk at work and in my purse, that way I feel like I have options. It does help.... Good Luck!!! :)
  • clairebear82
    I sympathise on many degrees, I have periods of time where I just can't stop eating, it's like I don't have the switch in my head. I think nothing of stuffing my face with all the jaffa cakes in the cupboard, until they are all gone but then I'd move on to something else.

    It is a lot to do with energy, your body is in a vicious cycle that keeps wanting nice food in the mindset that it will give you energy, when in actual fact it gives you bad energy. It takes a lot to break the cycle, but things like water, your own snacks and chewing gum do help break the little cycles. Eventually you get onto the wagon of liking the feeling of the nice food and less calorie intake and when you see the weight loss, it really does spur you on.

    So today I have told myself, this is the beginning of that new wagon, I'm on a detox diet for the next few days to reset my body and get myself out of the habit of eating lots and mindlessly.

    You will get there, stick with us, we all motivate each other xxx
  • EmmaFrancis
    Oh gosh =) so much good advice guys! Appreciate it!
    Am far too tired to respond properly so I'm going to be kinda rude about it, sorry =/
    I do take my own snacks to work and I eat them but then at about 4.30 when I finish work by that stage I am buggered and have no energy, so yes biscuits become very appealing!
    Today I have had 2 litres of water so far.. how much is 8 glasses in litres?
    Light popcorn sounds like a very good idea! Yum. I'm becoming an almond addict but would like to switch it up a little bit.

    Why is healthy food so yummy and addictive sometimes? I eat far more of it than I could of junk food.
    I managed to lose over 5kg but now I'm worried I'm getting off track too much =(

    Am definately trying not to completely restrict what I can't eat and have found it so easy to cut out all drinks other than water and plain tea with just water.
    Wow, gosh, I'm just rambling now.

    Sorry guys!
  • EmmaFrancis
    Clairbear- please tell me about your detox diet if you don't mind?

    Chewing gum hey.. will buy some tomorrow and see if it helps =D
    I have my second PT sesh tomorrow thank god, some motivation!
  • clairebear82
    No need to be sorry, perhaps try upping your snacks for the day so that they tide you over the whole day including your journey home. Can you get outside on lunch breaks? Perhaps a walk around in the air will help?

    8 glasses is about 2 litres if its a 250ml glass
  • clairebear82
    I'm really sorry, but its not really my diet to share, if you look up Mel Gibson on my friends list, its hers.

    Chewing gum really helps, I've found that I have skipped one of my snacks for the day if I'm chewing away :-)
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Try looking at exercise as a fun thing instead of a chore.[I have to do] Thimk about going to bed at 8pm,so when AM Rolls around you had your 8 hrs of sleep. Plan the exercises you like[ON DEMAND, FIT TV, WALKING] in AM!
    Exercise is better in AM burns more stored fat before breakfest. If have to exercise PM,don't go home,go right from work[mental thing] take exercise clothes with you. The drive home kind of unwinds you and by the time you get home you feel tired.[all jacked up from work,adrenline!
    As far as food at work,take snacks with you[aplles,nuts,peanut butter,wheat bread,etc. Difficult when co workers are eating around you. Finally, drink more water,alot of times you think your hungrey and body just needs water[dehydrated]:bigsmile: