Disappointed with weight gain :(

I am a little bummed...I went to the dentist last Tuesday and had to have 4 teeth pulled...not my wisdom teeth, 4 others..I have always had bad teeth :( So after the dentist, I could hardly eat for a couple days due to my mouth being soo sore..I had soups and broths and lite ice cream/yogurts...I weighed this morning and am up 5 pounds!! I know it's mostly from the sodium and hopefully it'll drop off fast. It's just upsetting that I have been doing soo well, and have had this set back :( I'm trying to have a positive attitude and get back in the swing of things today...I want sooo badly to reach my weight loss goal, so I'm trying not to let this discourage me...Wish me luck!!


  • joditafoya
    joditafoya Posts: 3 Member
    Good Luck!! Its a hard road but you can get there. Just keep in mind what you set out to do and you will.
  • borgi77
    you can do it, try not to be to hard on yourself, your doing awesome! :0)
  • clairebear82
    It's the anaesthetic! My friend had some surgery on her teeth and put on 4lbs in one weekend, it dropped right off the next week. There is no way you could have eaten that amount of calories to put on permanent weight. A lb of fat is caused by eating 3,500 calories over your normal daily intake of around 2,200, that's like nearly 6,000 calories per day for 4 days. I can't even comprehend what that looks like in the way of food. :ohwell:
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Don't let it ruin your day just get back on the bandwagon and keep looking forward. Sometimes medications, surgeries and little things will upset your weight but remember they are only temporary. Talk a walk and get your mind clear of the negative thoughts and continue forward. Have a great day,
  • caryn2010
    caryn2010 Posts: 50 Member
    Well the first thing...don't let that scale dictate your mood. It's a better week for you already just because the whole dental issue is behind you. I understand the dental thing. So...now your next step is to get back to things in your normal routine. The rest will follow. And maybe, ignore that stupid scale for 2 or 3 weeks. No morning sneak a peeks at the digits. Those digits are not always accurate of your success. Try on a pair of pants that you know were snug before you started your "get healthy journey" and see the difference. How your clothes fit you is a better idea of how you're doing. :) You're gonna be fine. And everyday you're gonna look better & better. Smile girl...it's a New Day and you're one step closer to the New You!
  • Herewego
    It's the anaesthetic! My friend had some surgery on her teeth and put on 4lbs in one weekend, it dropped right off the next week. There is no way you could have eaten that amount of calories to put on permanent weight. A lb of fat is caused by eating 3,500 calories over your normal daily intake of around 2,200, that's like nearly 6,000 calories per day for 4 days. I can't even comprehend what that looks like in the way of food. :ohwell:

    Really good answer. Always ask yourself this question: why have I put on? 3500cal over your maintenance is 1lbs so have you eatn 17500 calories ovr your maintenance this week? Well I don't think so................... It is just your body reacting to perhaps the salt in your broth or perhaps evn the pain killers or other medicines if you took any.
    Don't worry keep th good work and these 5lbs should be gone by next week.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    HWG :happy: