student looking advice/support to overcome binge eating

Hi there,

I have binging episodes that impact my whole day and the following day to the point where I don't want to leave the house. I've always had an awkward relationship with food...I was able to eat healthy with few binges for a couples of years and lost 50lbs just from cutting out processed junk and portion control (I had a small dessert 2-3 times per week). I weighed 140 then and now I'm back up to 160lbs and I feel like i'm spiraling out of control. My clothes are starting not to fit and I really don't want to buy bigger clothes.

I do it to help with anxiety and comfort my's always "i'll start fresh tomorrow...." to give myself permission to eat until i'm sick. Everytime, everyday lately, I lay there feeling miserable and guilty...and behind in school work because I feel so awful I won't do my work.I'll miss class. Miss appointments. flake out of social events. all to eat massive amounts of sugar and then sleep in my dark dorm room. how depressing is that? I just want to be happy and healthy and get back down to a healthy weight!

Support please...what are the thoughts in your head before you binge? What do you think triggers it? Have you ever been to an OE anonymous group?


  • jbeanv
    jbeanv Posts: 32 Member
    I'm so sorry you're going through this but you're definitely not alone. Try not to dwell on what's already done, the only thing you can affect is the future. I don't have experience with OE but it could be a step in the right direction for you. Good luck.
  • I'm with you 100%. I hate the school that I'm attending and so I eat copious amounts of **** at night to make myself feel better. Lets hold eachother accountable? I could use more friends on myfitnesspal to help me keep my food in check, and I think it would help you as well.
  • Definitely! Thanks Josh
  • I'm so sorry you're going through this but you're definitely not alone. Try not to dwell on what's already done, the only thing you can affect is the future. I don't have experience with OE but it could be a step in the right direction for you. Good luck.

    Reading this site is comforting because I see other people going through the same issues and overcoming them.
    Thanks for your comment:)