Keeping motivation up

Hello everyone,
I have been on MFP for over 2 months now and only lost 5lbs but this is my fault as I have not been serious at all, always finding excuses for going over calories, staying on the sofa watching tv when I should be more active...........
Yet I have been logging my food almost every day and I can tell you that th pictures is not pretty :angry:

I need some support but also little chalenge:
I am going for a few days in Majorca in October, xactly one month from today. The challenge is: losing 9lbs by then, that would man I would have lost a stone in 3 and half months which is not the best more is still respectable.

I know that the 20th October might not mean anything to you but if I could find a couple of companions for my challenge I am sure that we could support each other during this 9lbs loss.
So whoever want to be onboard is welcome, and pleas add me as friend as I find very good the facility to see the daily activity of each other and encourage one another.

HWG :tongue:


  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    use the site to the fullest....there are MANY challange groups here on this check them out...they are sure to be motivational!!! Stay strong...and you CAN do this!!
  • charmjostes
    Stay positive!! It will happen... I see the desire, now time to create the dedication! :) To stay on track..... Find the best time for you during the day, something else will have to be to the side for a while... give up a show, tape it or DVR it.... watch it later, walk for 30 minutes... You will be so happy to have found a mental and physical safe time for you. It is not being selfish to sacrifice this time for you, it is a healthy time. Your family will understand. Big hugs - we are all with you, in spirit to see you meet your goals.
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    You can count me in. I want to lose 10 lbs by the end of October. Good job being faithful logging you food. The food diary has really helped me see how I got to where I am today. Gotta take this one day at a time. Make small changes, they add up over time. Your welcome to add me as a friend, and we can support each other!! I know that you can do this, believe in yourself!! Hope you have a great day!!!