Might get on MFP again-did you leave and get back on it?

I was on MFP last year and I was doing well but I guess I got lazy and tired of tracking everyday so I quit and of course the weight slowly crept back on. I liked MFP because I feel like it obviously kept me accountable for what I was eating and I also didn't feel too deprived, I could still eat the foods I liked within reason. I'm thinking about getting back on MFP again soon. I was just wondering if any of you have been on MFP and took a break and decided to get back on it? Why did you decide to give it another go?


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I tried it for a while in 2012 but didn't use the social aspect at all, my heart wasn't in it and I was having neck disk problems. Last April I had my neck surgery and was finally healthy for the first time in a couple years (had shoulder surgery 18 months earlier). Last August was the last straw when my wife bought me size 42 pants. I restarted here on August 1 and was really committed because I felt like I hit bottom. I filled in my profile and joined a challenge group straight away. That made a big difference as it got me engaged in social network/support system of MFP. It made a big difference. My previous attempts at weight loss were in the 20-30 pound range and then regain. I'm well beyond that and still going strong. I'm determined to achieve a green BMI.

    So, in essence my previous attempt was a false start. This go I really was committed and it's hard to express but I knew that I meant it when I told myself that.