Over 40, over weight, and over feeling like crap!

Hi Everyone! I just joined this site a couple days ago and am really inspired. 2013 was a really tough year for me, I lost loved ones and my beautiful grandaughter (1st one) was born with a very rare genetic syndrome that caught us all by surprise. I've been so preoccupied I have neglected my self terribly, eating my emotions. I found myself on the scale two weeks ago at 220. Ugggg. I decided to do a cleanse to clean out all the junk from my system, get a fresh start and start taking care if me. I want to watch my grandbaby grow and be a part of her life as long as I possibly can. Monday I joined a women's only gym and have gone everyday. My plan is to go Monday-Thursday after work, as I live in the middle of nowhere and avoid going into the city on the weekends if possible. I've stopped eating fast food. I've been on many many diets in the past but always found journaling so cumbersome so eventually gave up. I'm always on my iPhone so the format of MFP is exciting for me. I can easily track everything while I'm on the move. I travel out of town frequently for work so I have to have a good plan in mind before I get stuck eating all my meals in restaurants. I think right now I would just love some people to share my journey with. I'm already feeling better, less bloated and more energy.


  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! Sorry to hear about your rough year but I'm glad that you've made the decision to take care of yourself again. MFP is a great place to help you achieve your weight loss goals tracking on here is very easy. Making friends on here is a great way to keep you accountable and motivated on your journey. I have sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • mreym
    mreym Posts: 4
    I'm so glad you've decided to be a part of the My Fitness Plan community! It takes a lot to be honest about yourself when it comes to weight, and I'm already proud of you and inspired by you! With you already just making this account and tracking your food is such a great start, but you're already hitting the gym hard, whoa! I love it! Welcome!
  • Welcome. Sorry about your past year and it sounds like 2014 will be much better.

    Add me if you want.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I sent you a friend request!! I've been on the MFP journey for a year, I'm down 57lbs so far (I've been on and off and not taking it seriously for the first half of the year!) I kicked my butt into gear and have really taken this whole new lifestyle approach for what it is! My goal is to NOT be like my mother, to NOT bein out of shape, unable to keep up with the family...as I see your goal is to see your grandbaby grow into adulthood...welcome aboard!! Stick it out and take it for what it's worth...I've done a whole lot of "diets" too and I've found this one to benefit me the most!! :drinker:
  • count me in & sorry to hear about last year!!!!!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    My plan is to go Monday-Thursday after work, as I live in the middle of nowhere and avoid going into the city on the weekends if possible.
    I would just make sure you're doing SOME sort of activity on the other days...walk the dog twice (if you have one) or walk yourself. :)
    I've stopped eating fast food.
    In the long run you probably won't be able to completely eliminate it from your diet unless you are:
    1) never pressed for time
    2) never pressed for money

    You may want to look at what the lighter cal options are at the places you know you like so that a fast food stop here and there isn't death to your calorie goals.
    I've been on many many diets in the past but always found journaling so cumbersome so eventually gave up. I'm always on my iPhone so the format of MFP is exciting for me. I can easily track everything while I'm on the move. I travel out of town frequently for work so I have to have a good plan in mind before I get stuck eating all my meals in restaurants. I think right now I would just love some people to share my journey with. I'm already feeling better, less bloated and more energy.
    Logging seems to be a big part of it. I have yet to read anyone on here with a "success story" that admits to being lousy at logging.

    Another thing that may help if you find yourself out of town at hotels is to make a quick stop at the local grocery store to avoid restaurants. Even the really dirt cheap hotels usually have a mini-fridge and small microwave in the room (and if not, in the "common area") so it wouldn't be hard to get low-cal TV dinners...makings for wraps/flatouts...salads..etc. Quick stuff that isn't a ton of fuss. As far as that goes, many groceries will have some healthy options pre-made in the deli area and/or sushi bar depending on the fanciness of the store.

    Good luck. I'm on here about every day and over 40 myself. Add if you wish.
  • Darren252
    Darren252 Posts: 9 Member
    You had a tough time of it!

    This place is awesome for support, i joined about 5 week ago , since then my wife has seen the support and joined me on here.

    Log everything , the good the bad and learn from the diary. I too have tried a ton of diets, but this one is the first in a long time i have stuck to and enjoyed. Support is so important and celebrating mini wins.

    Feel free to add me