walking more than running, is it good as well?

So i started running almost two months ago for the first time, and i did get better but i still can't run nonstop for more than a few minutes. So i change to brisk walking until i feel like i can run again, usually after a few more minutes. But some days i'm not that great and i walk more than i run... so i worry that it might stop me from losing any weight. That's the only thing i do as a workout, i don't do anything else. I just wan't to lost weight before i decide to tone up.

I do that 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Do you think it's still a good workout?
I'm at a healthy weight, i'm just trying to burn the fat, though i stopped for some reason and i worry that my workout isn't intense enough so i'm confused.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Are you trying to run too fast? Slow down until you are running at a pace that allows you to carry on for longer each time.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Have you been following a constructed plan or just kind of winging it? You could look into something like like couch to 5K and modify it to where you are currently at. And as Melanie said, slow down. Having just started you are still building your running base, and that takes time.

    Another thing about how some days you feel like you have to walk more than you run, that could be a hint from your body that it needs more rest days. Runner's who first start out are often suggested to only run 3 days a week to allow their bodies for fully adjust to the activity. There is a lot going on in your body when you start running. Your blood volume is increasing, your heart gets bigger to help pump the extra blood. New capillaries form in your leg muscles to help the body deliver more blood, oxygen and fuel, and your bone density in your legs increases. Your body needs rest from this, thus the 3 times a week suggestion.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Exercise if for fitness, what you eat results in weight/fat loss.

    In terms of fitness 30 minutes a day is the bare minimum recommended by the CDC


    and the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines


    As to the running I'll second the idea of slowing down. It's not uncommon for new runners to try and go too fast - try for a pace that allows you to speak in full sentences - gradually build up your times (eg add 1 minute to your running intervals each week until you can run the whole 30 minutes)

    In addition to the walking / running you should also consider adding a strength component to your workouts. You don't need to go to the gym and pump iron, it can be body weight exercises (lots of great videos on youtube or check out a book called You Are Your Own Gym).
  • QS82
    QS82 Posts: 65 Member
    Well done on getting out and doing it! Any movement, whether it's running or walking will help overall to allow you to meet your calories goals more easily, so it all helps.

    Are you using a structured plan such as C25K or just free-styling? Something like this can really help get you running for longer at a time and help to increase calorie burn.

    And as Melanie says, you might be running too fast. It's a common mistake and one I made when I started. Once I slowed down to a snails pace it started working and I could go for longer (honestly I used to get overtaken by walkers! :sad: ) and then once you've built a bit of stamina you can increase the speed a bit.

    Edit, beaten to it with my slowww typing! :bigsmile:
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    lift weights................

    For real..........do some kind of weight resistance.
  • FitBun9
    Yeah i did that mistake before and i realized i was running too fast so now i'm taking it easy, i don't run too fast.
    But i worry that if i'll only run 3 days a week it won't be enough for me to lose weight.:frown:
    And i don't have any plan, didn't really think about it.

    jdad1 - yeah, i might start sometime, but lifting won't really make me burn the fat... i want to focus on one thing first.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Yeah i did that mistake before and i realized i was running too fast so now i'm taking it easy, i don't run too fast.
    But i worry that if i'll only run 3 days a week it won't be enough for me to lose weight.:frown:
    And i don't have any plan, didn't really think about it.

    jdad1 - yeah, i might start sometime, but lifting won't really make me burn the fat... i want to focus on one thing first.

    Who said lifting won't burn calories? If you are wanting to lower your body fat then calorie deficit, and that can be done with cardio and with lifting weights....as it is all about creating that calorie deficit to burn the fat. And honestly, bringing in a strength program to accompany your running will only make you a better runner in the end.
  • FitBun9
    Yeah i did that mistake before and i realized i was running too fast so now i'm taking it easy, i don't run too fast.
    But i worry that if i'll only run 3 days a week it won't be enough for me to lose weight.:frown:
    And i don't have any plan, didn't really think about it.

    jdad1 - yeah, i might start sometime, but lifting won't really make me burn the fat... i want to focus on one thing first.

    Who said lifting won't burn calories? If you are wanting to lower your body fat then calorie deficit, and that can be done with cardio and with lifting weights....as it is all about creating that calorie deficit to burn the fat. And honestly, bringing in a strength program to accompany your running will only make you a better runner in the end.
    I didn't know that, someone told me the answer to burn fat is to do cardio. I'll try to combine weights then, thanks.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Fit, maybe you can aim for distance rather than time. Sometimes I will run my 5k route and other times I will walk it. Resistance training is also recommended. Honestly, I dislike weights a lot, so I'm trying to incorporate more body weight exercises into my routine. I would love to be able to do a pull-up…

    Keep on running!
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Run / walk intervals are a great way to get into shape. They're just as effective as steady state running, so just do whatever you prefer. The key is to make sure you're always pushing yourself. If you start taking it easy and just walking then you won't see results.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Yeah i did that mistake before and i realized i was running too fast so now i'm taking it easy, i don't run too fast.
    But i worry that if i'll only run 3 days a week it won't be enough for me to lose weight.:frown:
    And i don't have any plan, didn't really think about it.

    jdad1 - yeah, i might start sometime, but lifting won't really make me burn the fat... i want to focus on one thing first.

    Who said lifting won't burn calories? If you are wanting to lower your body fat then calorie deficit, and that can be done with cardio and with lifting weights....as it is all about creating that calorie deficit to burn the fat. And honestly, bringing in a strength program to accompany your running will only make you a better runner in the end.
    I didn't know that, someone told me the answer to burn fat is to do cardio. I'll try to combine weights then, thanks.

    Lift heavy. For things that have helped me run better here is the rundown

    #1 run (run more to get better at running)
    #2 real running shoes
    #3 lifting heavy

    Google search running and posterior chain. I far less aches and pains now when I run.
    Besides running makes you burn fat and muscle.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    agree with everyone here..and look at it this way...whats better?...doing a walk run but maybe sacrificing a little burn?...or pushing it and injuring yourself...no burn?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You can lose weight running 0 days per week, but you won't improve your fitness either.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    It depends on your goals.

    --Is your goal running endurance, fat loss and cardiovascular health? Then eat less and run, but go slow and steady.

    --Is your goal intervals and getting a better post-exercise oxygen response (longer fat burning period if you do it right)? Then eat less and do intervals. Be prepared to run as fast as you can in 60-90 second spurts, then walk, then repeat. But for interval training to work, you have to actually push yourself. Hard. Most beginners aren't going to get a lot from intervals.

    --Is your goal losing fat and keeping lean mass? Then eat less, so some strength training, and run however you want, but you'll probably get better results with the slow and steady state because beginners aren't generally ready for intervals.

    And read this.

  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    So i started running almost two months ago for the first time, and i did get better but i still can't run nonstop for more than a few minutes. So i change to brisk walking until i feel like i can run again, usually after a few more minutes. But some days i'm not that great and i walk more than i run... so i worry that it might stop me from losing any weight. That's the only thing i do as a workout, i don't do anything else. I just wan't to lost weight before i decide to tone up.

    I do that 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Do you think it's still a good workout?
    I'm at a healthy weight, i'm just trying to burn the fat, though i stopped for some reason and i worry that my workout isn't intense enough so i'm confused.

    Running will have a higher heart rate and put you into those higher training zones (HR that is) than walking. However, power walking at a good brisk pace will certainly burn calories and get you in shape. You just have to do it for a much longer duration to equate with what the burn would be for running. So you might need to do a good 1 - 2 hour long walk which would probably be Zone 1/Zone 2 HR type of stuff and builds a nice fitness base. If you could transition to jogging (not running) which is a bit more effort and HR than power walking, be it for short durations - eventually you will have enough fitness built to increase to faster running speeds and longer strides.

    However you do it, realize that it takes time for the body to adapt and get used to the impact of running. How much time? Weeks to months depending on your tolerance for pain, recovery, adaptaption and the increase in training stress. Running, compared to cycling (low impact), has a much higher heart rate and is difficult to "get going" because of that burn. Keep at it and your short durations will eventually get longer as your body adapts to the training stress.
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    Brian Sharpe wrote: "Exercise if for fitness, what you eat results in weight/fat loss. "

    Stealing for my wall!

    To the op: just keep on, keeping on. Take it nice and easy, and increase the amount of running slowly over time. You are building a house right now. A good house needs a good foundation.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    So i started running almost two months ago for the first time, and i did get better but i still can't run nonstop for more than a few minutes. So i change to brisk walking until i feel like i can run again, usually after a few more minutes. But some days i'm not that great and i walk more than i run... so i worry that it might stop me from losing any weight. That's the only thing i do as a workout, i don't do anything else. I just wan't to lost weight before i decide to tone up.

    I do that 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Do you think it's still a good workout?
    I'm at a healthy weight, i'm just trying to burn the fat, though i stopped for some reason and i worry that my workout isn't intense enough so i'm confused.

    There is nothing wrong with running and walking in between. They're called intervals and they are a great way to get your endurance up and increase your distance.

    As far as effort, if you are unable to carry on a conversation, then your pace is too fast. This could mean your pace is really slow to start off, but eventually it will pick up. And even if it doesn't, there's nothing wrong with not having a 6 min/mile pace.

    As someone else said, find a C25K plan and follow it. That's a great way to get you up and running for 30 minutes straight and it employs intervals to do it. Good luck!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Are you trying to run too fast? Slow down until you are running at a pace that allows you to carry on for longer each time.

    ^^^ This! You don't need to run fast! For real, just jog and go as far as you can. I would suggest Couch to 5K as it is a great program that starts with intervals like you are already doing, but allows you to build up stamina so you can run longer each time! Great job getting started. Don't get discouraged -- a runner is a runner is a runner! You do NOT need to sprint to be a runner!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I do that 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Do you think it's still a good workout?
    I'm at a healthy weight, i'm just trying to burn the fat, though i stopped for some reason and i worry that my workout isn't intense enough so i'm confused.

    Yes, walking is great exercise. There are several ways to increase intensity. Pump your arms while you walk. Add more incline to your walks. Walk faster. Add more running intervals to your walks. Wear a weighted vest or a backpack filled with something to add weight (books work well).

    If your goal is to transition to running you might try the C25k program. It's a free app. But you can get just as a good burn by doing walk / sprint intervals.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Yeah i did that mistake before and i realized i was running too fast so now i'm taking it easy, i don't run too fast.
    But i worry that if i'll only run 3 days a week it won't be enough for me to lose weight.:frown:
    And i don't have any plan, didn't really think about it.

    jdad1 - yeah, i might start sometime, but lifting won't really make me burn the fat... i want to focus on one thing first.

    Oh honey! I worked with my 15 pound kettlebell last night for the first time and my heart was PUMPING when I got finished! Strength training will definitely help you burn fat. It just tones you at the same time. The best of both worlds!

    ETA: I started a C25K program twice and had to stop because of injuries. This last time I started the program, I also did strength training on non-running days. I am now on week 6 and can run for 20 minutes non-stop. No injuries this time. Coincidence? Maybe........