I'm 90 kg and I want to lose 1 kg or 1.5 kg a week

Hello everyone!
I'm 24 years old and my weight is 90 kg I need to lose at the least 20 kg or more before my engagement that will be in 4 months. I need some people to help me with my deit like how much I need to walk and exercise per day and how much many times a week I need to do that and like what I can or can not eat. I really would like someone to be with me on this so I can have encouragement.

I really hope to hear from some ppl soon!


  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    Why do you need to lose 20 kg before your engagement party?

    That's a lot of weight to lose, in a short time. Without knowing your height, what you are currently eating, and your activity level, it's very hard to give specific feedback.

    In general, I would suggest to try to aim for a slower, steadier weight. It's taken me the last 10 weeks to lose 7.2kg. I'm losing at a rate of 0.8 kg/week.

    You should be able to find a lot of useful information here:

    Make sure you read all of it, and the all links within it.

    Good Luck!
  • Fujinda
    oh wow, if you lose so fast, one i think you be ill, and two all your skin will be baggy. no , slow and steady wins the race.. smiles
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You might lose a lot to start, but after the first couple weeks eventually it will slow down. You didn't put it on instantly, and it won't come off instantly.
  • ghoufran89
    I have never done this before but the reason why I want to lose that weight is just to look and feel about myself. I will take your advice And take it slow. I hope to lose a few kgs than. My height Is 161 cm.

    I don't do much I only go for power walk and a lil running for 40 min in the morning and I do 3 times a day Tiffany Roth workout at home I can do one or sometimes 2 a day. For the eating part for breakfast I always do 2 bananas and like 5 strawberries With a cup of milk and some water and I blend all of it. For lunch would do a wok mostly which vegetables And a lil rice I would eat one dish than for the rest of the day I don't eat anything other than fruits and veggies non cooked. After 9 I don't eat only drink water.

    I will look at that link you sent me and read it.
  • ghoufran89
    I really dont want my skin to be baggy that is one thing I'm really scared of right now.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I have never done this before but the reason why I want to lose that weight is just to look and feel about myself. I will take your advice And take it slow. I hope to lose a few kgs than. My height Is 161 cm.

    I don't do much I only go for power walk and a lil running for 40 min in the morning and I do 3 times a day Tiffany Roth workout at home I can do one or sometimes 2 a day. For the eating part for breakfast I always do 2 bananas and like 5 strawberries With a cup of milk and some water and I blend all of it. For lunch would do a wok mostly which vegetables And a lil rice I would eat one dish than for the rest of the day I don't eat anything other than fruits and veggies non cooked. After 9 I don't eat only drink water.

    I will look at that link you sent me and read it.

    it doesn't sound like nearly enough calories. And definitely not enough protein
  • migdaria
    migdaria Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not a definite expert on the subject... but 20kg in 4 months seems pretty unrealistic.
    I've started my own journey in January and only lost 7.8kg, which also makes an aprox. rate of 0.65 per week. And it was a pretty agressive cut.

    You should never, under any circumstances, go under 1200kcals a day, cause that will cause your body to switch on "starvation mode", and that it will just store all you eat and add you pounds.

    Also, drink water, LOTS of water. About 1.5L-2L per day

    Start working on your cardio. If you're like me and have a gym phobia, you can just go for a jog or a power walk, I do it evenings so that I encounter less people during my exercises :) . I downloaded an app called Accupedo for my smartphone, and it helps me a lot, cause it sets a daily goal of steps you should take and calculates how many steps, KM, calories burned and how long I have been walking/running. I find it very, very useful.

    Eat all the veggies you can, cut all alcohol and fizzy drinks, have smaller portions, make an eating schedule and eat something every 2h-3h.
    Always take pleasure in what you eat and allow yourself to indulge sometimes, otherwise you'll get horrible cravings, but eat about half of what you normaly would whilst taking the same time. Really taste your food, promise it will make the absolute difference in controlling your cravings.
    And if after a meal, you're still feeling hungry, make a cup of warm tea (or coffee) for yourself. Warm beverages will settle down your disconfort.

    And of course, use this site to track down all you ingest (every single bite and gram of sugar counts). It's basically like going to a nutrionist everyday ;)

    Promise it's gonna be hard the first few weeks. but you'll get the hang of it. It's not that hard, if you don't over restrict. Remember it's not really a diet, its a healthy change.
    Tell a close friend you're doing this, tell them about your troubles and your achievements, that will keep you on the right track!

    Good luck with your journey! Remember to stay healthy and don't go all crazy over this. It's better to lose slowly but steady than to lose it all and gain double afterwards.

    Take good care <3
  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    Hey ghoufran so about 15 kg can be achieved in 4 months. set your mfp goals to lose 1kg (2lb) per week. Exercise 5 days a week for first month then you can increase the time or days.

    And if you want I am doing 5:2 diet.. I eat 5 days at maintenance calories and 2 days I fast and only eat 500 calories. You can read about it here in the forums and try it if you want
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    IMO 1.5 kg a week is a bit too aggressive, 1 is doable but might still be tough to stick to.

    You might be setting yourself up with a wee bit too strict a timeframe - this'll make it easier to 'fall off the wagon' if you're depriving yourself too much.

    This may be unwarranted advice but would you consider a 0.5 kg a week loss while adding some resistance/weight training - you would maybe be heavier than you'd ideally like but it would really trim you down.
  • perjotrust
    Excellent for quick loss - changing habits.com.au