Fitbit/MFP are messing with me

I don´t knowhere to put this so I put it here.
I use fitbit one. I haven´t been able to use it lately because the clip broke and I don´t want to take any risk of losing it by putting it in my pockets. For few days now MFP claims I have earned 300 calories in exercise without me logging any exercise or using my fitbit. Why is that? and how can I get it fixed?
The funny thing is I have my goals set at 1500 and even though I haven´t logged any food and it says 0 in the food box and 300 calories in the exercise box, MFP says I only can eat 1200...what a strange thing happening. They are messing with me and I want it do I get it fixed?

Done venting...Thank you all


  • Trukngrl
    Trukngrl Posts: 106 Member
    Not sure where the glitch lies, I would suggest disconnecting the two from communicating. You can reconnect when you get the clip fixed, until then you don't need them talking gibberish to each other.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It's not saying you earned 300 extra calories. It is saying you've been so inactive that you need to eat 300 fewer calories. Not wearing it is taking calories away from what you can eat.

    You can turn negative adjustments off, if this bothers you, or find a way to wear it again.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    frob23 is correct. If you go to the apps tab there should be a setting for negative calorie adjustments under there, you can turn if off if needed.
  • XXElmaXX
    Thank you all. I did not know about that option.