I wanna Squat on Squats.

Couburke Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So last night on wii active i felt complete motivation. I was ready, i had my wii remote in one hand and my numchuk in the other. The first thing wii active had me do was squats. THE FIRST THING! no stretches nothing just plain 18 reps of squats! yeah right like im prepared for that. So i start to do them, and im one of those people if i start something i have to finish it or its going to bug me. So im squatting every time the wii told me too, im pointing the wii remote and the numchuck in the right directions and wii active just isn't counting my reps so i keep doing every once in a while getting a rep. so im like at my 20th squat almost falling over from the soreness im already feeling and i just sit down and breath with an aching killing pain in my knee...at the END of the squats wii active finally tells me why it wasnt counting my squats. I had the wii remote and the numchuck in the WRONG hands!!! and so everytime it wanted me to do squats i skipped it because i was squatted out!!!! ...so for the people who are kicking and screaming at your tv "WHY AREN'T YOU COUNTING MY REPS!!" well make sure that the wii remote is in your right hand and the numchuck is in your left hand :). I had to vent. Other than being squatted on squats i did get to play some good baseball, boxing, and tennis which i loved and burned alot of calories from :D


  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    This happened to me but a little diffrently. I had them in the right hand and in the leg. The one in the leg was the problem. If I dont have it turned slightly it doesnt pick up on it. So I go through it holding it in place sometimes so I know it will pick up.
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