New and Slightly Unmotivated

Hi, I'm Tina!
I'm 18 years old and recently got down to a weight of 103, which I've realized is way too skinny, and I would like to get up to at least 115-120 but by gaining muscle and doing it the healthy way!
The thing is I feel like by just eating more I'll simply be gaining fat, not muscle and I'm honestly a complete idiot when it comes to nutrition and everything so that was why I signed up for this website today.
Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to take me under their wing? I'm going to a nutritionist either Tuesday or Thursday next week but till then I would like to make some friends on here!

I guess this was just my way of saying hello, sorry if you think it's spam.
I'm excited to start this new journey to fitness since my journey to lose weight is over!


  • Wellsy103
    Wellsy103 Posts: 1 Member
    When you do a "clean bulk", you eat more calories but you are also working out a great deal and building muscle. If you do it correctly, meaning eat the right amount of calories for your heigh/weight and work out the recommended amount, you'll gain muscle weight with minimal fat.

    There are tons of places on the internet that have plans and guidelines for a clean bulk. Check them out!
  • snowbunnyA
    snowbunnyA Posts: 25 Member
    You need to eat in a calorie surplus (you can calculate your TDEE from online calculators) and lift some weights. Heavy weights. None of those pink dumbbells. I would recommend joining the forum at - even if your goal isn't to become a bodybuilder, there's a huge amount of good advice on there on how to build muscle, and loads of people in similar situations to you. They'll be able to point you in the direction of good workout plans for beginners in order to maximise your gains.

    Be aware that it's very difficult to *just* put on muscle, so expect to put on a little fat at the same time. That's fine, because once you're at your goal weight, you simply restrict your calorie intake a bit (whilst still lifting heavy to maintain your muscle) and you'll lose the fat, revealing the lovely muscle you've built.

    Don't worry, you won't get bulky by lifting heavy weights, whatever anyone tells you. Without taking certain drugs, women simply don't have enough testosterone to build that much muscle naturally. You'll become lean and what women often refer to as "toned". But you have to start by building muscle and that means lifting heavy, eating more and restricting your cardio. Good luck!