I binged last night



  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    I totally agree!!! I use to beat myself up really bad. Now I know this is a lifestyle change, I will mess up but I will not give up on my lifestyle change. Matter of fact, I've messed up the pass 6 days and I told myself, "okay, you've had your fun...enough." Thanks for sharing :flowerforyou:

    Happy you have such a positive attitude too! :happy:
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    You should be proud. Now, if you can get to the point where you aren't tempted to cut your calories too low the day after a binge then you will have made amazing progress.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    If you are your profile pic then you should binge more often :smile:

    Then you truly don't understand what kind of binge she is talking about. It is a very difficult disorder and I wish it on no one. Most who binge like that will binge and then starve themselves for a very long period of time .....rinse, repeat. It is no more healthy than eating a massive amount of calories every day and being obese. Skinny does not equal healthy.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    In the past I would have freaked out, been depressed for days and hated myself. But I know it happen again, and that's ok. I wrote down why I binged, and today I'm starting fresh. I'm only human, and I need to forgive myself when I slip. I'm so proud of myself for forgiving myself:bigsmile:

    Fixed it for you.

    As for you, if picking on someone makes you feel better go for it. I wish you the best.

    Actually, I don't think he was picking on you... he was pointing out that it's not likely the last time you'll ever binge, and that's OK... you can always forgive yourself.

    You've come a LONG way in 3 years, and you should be very proud of yourself. To recognize that you're on the verge of an ED and to seek treatment, before it takes over, is admirable. Figuring out how to maintain what you've worked so hard to accomplish seems like a very smart thing to do.

    You are probably right, if this person had just said "you wont binge again" that would have been nicer. I know I wont always be perfect when it comes to food.

    You have an ED, and you expect me to enable you on that destructive course? Sorry, that would not be responsible.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I'm only human, and I need to forgive myself when I slip. I'm so proud of myself for forgiving myself:bigsmile:

    Congratulations on stripping away the emotional side of your binge, looking at it rationally and forgiving yourself for being human.

    These are all important steps on the road to recovery. I am sure you appreciate there is some work to come but all of that is terrific!
  • wannastayfit
    wannastayfit Posts: 25 Member
    So glad you are honest and not beating yourself up. I recommend going to see a nutritionist who should give you advice on how to avoid binging from a nutrition point of view. I met with one last week who told me to never eat a carb without a protein - apples come with peanut butter now etc....I can't tell you how keeping my blood sugar stable has helped my cravings and has kept me satisfied. Good luck!.
  • congrats for starting anew and writing down why you binged..I do have small binges from time to time..and I always beat myself up hard about it afterwards. perhaps writing it down, as you did, will help me understand my triggers?
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I think that is awesome that you wrote it down and why. I try to do that when I find myself getting off track too. Congrats to you for forgiving yourself!
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    So glad you are honest and not beating yourself up. I recommend going to see a nutritionist who should give you advice on how to avoid binging from a nutrition point of view. I met with one last week who told me to never eat a carb without a protein - apples come with peanut butter now etc....I can't tell you how keeping my blood sugar stable has helped my cravings and has kept me satisfied. Good luck!.

    Thanks for sharing this! I am gonna try and stick to this too!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sounds alittle like an eating disorder may be upon you ? Maybe you should see a doctor or dietician

    And yes, I most likely do have some sort of eating disorder. Hopefully therapy helps me.

    I thoroughly approve of this acknowledgement. You've already come further than many.
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    Thank you to everyone who said supportive things. As for the person who is giving me a hard time- I'm on the road to recovery, if you want to judge me harshly then do so. I don't have time for people like you :bigsmile:
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    congrats for starting anew and writing down why you binged..I do have small binges from time to time..and I always beat myself up hard about it afterwards. perhaps writing it down, as you did, will help me understand my triggers?

    Yes! write everything down. Write what you ate, and how you felt eating. For me, last night was an out of body experience. I saw what I was doing but was unable to stop myself. But once I was done I simply forgave myself and wrote everything down.
  • cat80233
    cat80233 Posts: 9 Member
    Good job! That is a great step!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    If you are your profile pic then you should binge more often :smile:

    this comment grossed me out ...why though dude just no

    OP I find that keeping myself accountable even during a binge (ie writing it ALL down , logging it all) helps me , good job not beating yourself up after! Be nice to yourself :heart: good luck
  • hindustani24
    hindustani24 Posts: 7 Member
    If you are your profile pic then you should binge more often :smile:

    is that a insult or compliment? :laugh:

    All i wanted to say is that you look so good and should not even feel bad for few binges here and there...you deserve few binges. Sorry if my comment came across as an insult :flowerforyou: