starting over need pals

I moved to a new city and got depressed and gained 80 pounds !!! now im taking my life back in would like some pals to help me along the way for motivation. I live in Oklahoma city but I don't mind if you are from other places,,, feel free to add me.thanks


  • anybodys_fruit
    anybodys_fruit Posts: 17 Member
    I am so very sorry to hear that!! My best friend, when she moved from Brazil to the States went through the same thing a couple years ago and I know how hard that can be. :( I am from Idaho!

    I have ALWAYS struggled with my weight, though I was never extremely overweight. I can remember in the 2nd grade looking down at my stomach and noticing rolls of fat bunch up when I sat down and feeling very uncomfortable about it. I tried loosing weight in the past with very little to absolutely no success until I came across Josie Spinardi who tackles eating disorders (I needed some help understanding the most effective ways to combat binge eating and bulimia as I had struggled with that in high school/college) and why diets don't work and Megan Elizabeth and FullyRawKristina who are both raw food 80/10/10 gals (a beautiful model of health). Even though they are from completely different worlds, I fused the wisdom I gained from both and that is when I started feeling SO much better! I lost about 8 pounds the first month and even if I hadn't lost weight that quickly the health benefits were worth it. I HIGHLY recommend checking them out! Even if that isn't the route you choose, I am more than willing to give support!

    Best of wishes on your journey!