
Hi Everyone, this is my first post about myself on here. I initially joined this site back in August, i logged my weight in at 13 stone 6lbs, or 188 pounds. I never returned on here till early last month. I had lost 2lb since that date in August, which suprised me as i thought i would have put weight on.

I have suffered from Health Anxiety for many years, but the last year or so it has gotten really bad. I just woke up one morning and thought to myself, i am not happy about many things in my life, and i need to change things to make myself happy. so it is exactly what i did.

I have lost 12lbs since August now. 10lb this ti me around. I have been eating correctly, doing more exercise. It has paid off. I have COMPLETLY removed chocolate and crisps from my diet, all sugary food too. Chocolate and Crisps are my down-falls, i know people say you are allowed a treat now and again which is true, last Saturday my friend came over and we ordered out some food, but apart from then i have not.

I have gained weight through eating with years of depression and anxiety, i just hated the way i looked, it was making me miserable so i would eat again etc it is a very vicious circle to be in.

What i am trying to get at is, after dieting and being healthy, my Health Anxiety has cut down so much, it goes to show what you eat really does effect how someone thinks.

I have noticed a few changes, in my face, and my clothes feel a little looser, i asked my partner this morning did he think it looked like i had lost any weight, he replied in my face, so that is good.

I have a coat, i haven't worn it since last year as it got very tight, this coat is my example of losing weight, i can now fit in it but it still feels a little tight, but i know i am losing weight as its less clingy on me.

I never ever imagined i would stick to my diet, i honestly never thought i would have this much willpower. I have tried so many times over the years to diet and then i would just give up after a few days, but this time i have not, and to me that in it self is a accomplishment. I am very proud of myself, i know 12lb is not that much, but i am trying so hard, i look forward to posting when i double that loss of 12lb.

If you would like to add me as a friend please do, i would love to make new friends,

Thank you for reading :)