Bluff's Introduction

Good Day all...

Sending out a hello, only joined up to myfitnesspal monday of this week and only just realized today that it has a forum aspect to it.....guess I hadn't really explored a lot beyond food and exercise tracking.

Basically got 100ish lb's i'd like to lose AGAIN, say again because I have been down to my goal at least twice in the last 12 years+ of struggling with my weight but always manage to lose focus get busy and gain it all back plus extra padding.

I live in Canada if thats of interest lol, love playing poker which doesn't help me get moving with sitting in front of a computer or at a table for sometimes 12+ hours. Was reccommended to check out myfitnesspal from my favorite forum actually, CardsChat (great place, great members and awesome freeroll among other opportunities to play and take part in once meeting some requirements.........I use the same ID over there and just about everywhere as here (BluffMeAllIn)). It has become a big part of my life thus had to give a shoutout in my intro as perhaps some of the members here might enjoy the game and wish to come join in the fun.

Anyhow since monday I have been tracking everything via here and doing well, even have walked home from work the last 4 evenings which I'm happy with. Weekend is approaching however so hopefully get through it all, and I look forward to having a look around the forum here as well to see what I can see that is of interest to me :D

Have a good weekend all.


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Welcome! Walking home from work is a great way to get in some extra exercise every day. I wish I had that option but it's 14 miles and the busses don't run regularly to either home or work so driving it is. I do park at the back of the lot, though, and spend most of my two 15 minute breaks walking. :smile: