any grreat workouts i can do at home for tummy and arms

I cant spend any money right now for the next 30 days so no gym or buying workout stuff do anyone have any great tummy and arm workout I can do at home around the house.... i am a beginner so i need something to help me build my arm and stomach muscles.


  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Check out Very cool site!

    Also, someone here said they'd made their own kettlebells out of laundry detergent containers--filled with water, I think, but it could be something else. You can probably find it online.
  • LizzieS232
    Press ups, the closer in you keep your elbows to your sides the more they work your arms not your chest (do them against a counter at first if you can't do them flat on the ground)
    If you have a sturdy and reasonably heighted bed frame, tricep dips from there.

    For your tummy, lying flat on your back and lifting your legs in the air (only just!) so your bum is on the ground but your legs aren't, keep them there for as long as possible and maybe moving them outwards and inwards.
  • ReinaH1216
    ReinaH1216 Posts: 11 Member
    people are going to call me stupid but if you have access to internet I would suggest things like The 30 Day Fitness Challenges or possibly looking up Pilates moves on YouTube.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    people are going to call me stupid but if you have access to internet I would suggest things like The 30 Day Fitness Challenges or possibly looking up Pilates moves on YouTube.

    If you're stupid then I am also stupid! I meant to suggest the 200 situps/100 push-up challenges. They're great! YouTube has TONS of workouts too. Great suggestion.
  • nashelsky
    nashelsky Posts: 28 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30 day shred rocks for arms and abs. It is $9 at places like Walmart. The first level (which you do for 10 days) is on youtube, so you can see how you like it before buying it. You use hand weights in the video, but if you don't have them, you can use cans of soup or something like that until you can get some weights (I use 3 lbs). Here is the link:
  • anybodys_fruit
    anybodys_fruit Posts: 17 Member
    Youtube is a great source!

    My philosophy is that if you don't have motivation to do it on your own, you will never have the motivation to do it at the gym. I bought myself a pair of good running shoes and a yoga mat and that has been good enough for me. When finances are better I love being subscribed to but my hubby and I are attempting to get in a better place financially so back to youtube I go (and seriously, it is not just yoga, they have a ridiculous amount of just about anything that floats your boat)!
  • leew88
    leew88 Posts: 62 Member
    yeah youtube workouts ^^
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Nerd Fitness.

    You Are Your Own Gym.

    Convict Conditioning.

    Google those.