IIFYM - I need help!

Hi Everyone,

I have lost 46lbs so far! I mix cardio & strength training 6 days a week.

So I've recently been looking into IIFYM purely to see if I can drop a few more pounds as my weight loss has plateaued. Using the calculator on the website my macros are: 143g carbs / 150g protein / 60 fat / 30-38g fibre, and 1712 calories.

There's a few things that are worrying me;
- I was on a 1200 calorie per day died until a few months ago, where I would literally eat whatever fitted into that calorie goal, no regards for macros. A few months ago I upped my exercise and started to eat back my exercise calories, and I haven't lost a pound since. I'm quite worried that being on such a restricted diet for so long has caused havoc with my metabolism. All I know is that I don't want to be eating 1200 calories a day for the rest of my life, it made me miserable.

- I'm finding it quite hard to hit the fibre intake...? Could anyone advise me about how to increase it?

- My sugar intake is also quite high on MFP... should I just ignore it or try to lower it or...?

Thanks for any help in advance!

Instagram: sophs_healthylife


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have lost 46lbs so far! I mix cardio & strength training 6 days a week.

    That's great :)!
    So I've recently been looking into IIFYM purely to see if I can drop a few more pounds as my weight loss has plateaued. Using the calculator on the website my macros are: 143g carbs / 150g protein / 60 fat / 30-38g fibre, and 1712 calories.

    I do IIFYM and it is great! Everyone has their preference but it's definitely worth a shot!
    There's a few things that are worrying me;
    - I was on a 1200 calorie per day died until a few months ago, where I would literally eat whatever fitted into that calorie goal, no regards for macros. A few months ago I upped my exercise and started to eat back my exercise calories, and I haven't lost a pound since. I'm quite worried that being on such a restricted diet for so long has caused havoc with my metabolism. All I know is that I don't want to be eating 1200 calories a day for the rest of my life, it made me miserable.

    It's unlikely you've screwed your metabolism up, but check with a doctor just incase.
    - I'm finding it quite hard to hit the fibre intake...? Could anyone advise me about how to increase it?

    Although I do work at Sainsbury's that's not the reason I'm pushing this, I haven't seen anything with a fiber content like this anywhere else. 28.8g per 100g serving, it's insane! One 100g bowl a day should have you hitting your fiber content!

    - My sugar intake is also quite high on MFP... should I just ignore it or try to lower it or...?

    Thanks for any help in advance!

    Instagram: sophs_healthylife

    Personally I am not bothered by my sugar intake, but that's up to you! I can't see your diary so can't make any comments on how to lower it.

    Hope I've helped!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    The IIFYM calculator is going to make sure you're hitting your protein and fat first which makes carbs the flexor. IMHO, protein can be skewed with IIFYM because they use 1g per Lb of total body weight rather than LBM...so someone who is very overweight and fat is going to have a massive protein requisite just going by the default calculations there...it is not necessary...it really should be 1 gram per Lb of LBM to be a more accurate measure of protein requisites.

    Also, IIFYM isn't a "diet" or anything..I think you should do a little more reading up on it. It's basically a philosophy that doesn't demonize foods and certain groups of foods like so many diets do. It just says, "hey...if it fits your calorie goal and macro goal then go for it." There are not "good" or "bad" foods...just food. Of course, the responsibility of getting proper nutrition is left up to you..you could set your macros to be all carbs, and little fat or protein and eat cake all ****ing day...but you wouldn't be getting proper nutrition...the onus is on you.

    As far as fiber goes, eat whole grains, oats, lots of veg, beans/legumes, fibrous fruits (avocado, apples, etc)...get your roughage on.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    On sugar, it should lower when you start to do IIFYM, if you try to hit your protein number for the day, you really won't have much room left in your diet for a lot of sugar.

    When I started IIFYM a couple of months ago, I literally only focused on the protein number, and the fats and carbs seem to line up pretty close when you do that. I pre-log my day as much as possible to make the numbers work. You can look at my diary for the last few days, I've been getting better at it as I go. Now that I'm getting better at the protein I'm trying to up my fiber as well. It's a learning process.

    I was on 1600 cals when I started IIFYM as recommended by the calculator, I just lowered it to 1300 this week because I was losing weight too slowly on the the 1600. I have come to think that my metabolism is just a little slower than most. I have a fitbit and on a rest day I only burn between 1800-2000 calories (desk job). Do what works for you. Since I lowered the cals I have lost 1.5 lbs just this week. My bod just wasn't letting it go on 1600.

    I shoot for 40/30/30 C/P/F.

    Benefits so far? I no longer crave sugar or breads. I used to crave cinnamon rolls and wouldn't think of having anything but a sandwich for lunch (with bread). I rarely eat bread anymore, and only IIFYM. My skin is no longer dry, fingernails no longer peeling, and I have more energy and full all day long. I have plenty of energy for exercise as well. LOVE it.

    Good luck on you're journey :)
  • gsgitu
    gsgitu Posts: 118 Member
    like the other said. i regularly get 30-35 of fiber by eating broccoli/carrots/beans and 9 grain cracked cereal/oatmeal. and that is on 1800 cals lately as i am going from maintain to cutting some lb's. although my carbs are set to 200+ and as wolf was alluding to, drop some of the protein and replace with carbs maybe. it looks like it would be hard to hit that much fiber with that low of carbs, unless you ate some of that stuff huggs is talking about. that's a crazy amount of fiber in a serving, i would have to move my office, closer to the men's room. LOL